Holiday Skate Part 2

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Venus went up to the emptying Ravenclaw Tower and grabbed her skates, Crystal perching on her shoulder happily.

"Let's put on a show girl!" Venus said excitedly. "Just like at home! But bigger...and with more people...oh god." She panicked but the owl hooed in reassurance.

"Thanks Girl. Now let's do this!"

Venus ran out of the courtyard and onto the frozen lake's edge to tie her skates. While it was frozen it wasn't sturdy enough to skate on, but she was going to change that.


The owl hooed in response and Venus jingled the bell on her bracelet as it flew into the air. Venus took a deep breath and looked at the ice beneath her feet.

She felt her breath turn cold and her body temperature drop. She focused on it and the bitter cold air on her skin. She saw her raven hair turn white and smiled, looking around through her white eyes. She raised her hands and a large chunk of snow rose from the ground and upon closing her fist, hardened into ice. She hummed as she worked, keeping her relaxed and happy.

Venus skated on the thin ice, as it became denser with each glide, making it safer to skate on and hold body weight. She started to reach the end of the lake that wasn't frozen yet and smiled, skating towards it at full speed. She loved feeling the bitter cold air against her skin and her flushed pink cheeks and nose, numb from the air. She looked up and saw Crystal flying in circles around a certain area of the lake.

That's how big it needs to be. As she approached the edge at full speed she focused on the ground beneath her and inhaled the freezing air. She skated off the edge of the lake and froze the water beneath her into hardened ice. She created a perimeter of a rink and filled the center with hardened snow ice, skating around to ensure it was stable. She made a small barrier between the rink and the lake so no one would fall in. She shuddered to think of someone falling in and her not being able to rescue them. As an ice witch, swimming was something that was incredibly difficult for her. Having to stay warm while in the water and focusing on not freezing it over, even the slightest instability could make her freeze herself in the ocean.

Venus saw a large crowd of people approach the lake from the courtyard and quickly skated towards the edge of the lake rink to meet them.

She bowed as the Headmaster broke through the crowd with a large smile on his face.

"Headmaster, the preparations have been made."

"Well done Ms. Snow! Now everyone enjoy!" He said boisterously, tying his skates on and gliding onto the ice. "Very sturdy. Very impressive!"

"Thank you Sir."

Venus saw her friend approach and skating towards them excitedly.

"This is awesome Venus!"

"Yea" Ethan joked, getting a smack on the arm from both girls.

Venus raised her arm and jingled her bracelet calling her partner in crime to her side, her landing on her head and chirping at the two friends.

"Hey Crystal!" Willow said happily, petting the bird. Getting an affection ruffle from the bird.

"Come on guys! Let's have fun!" Ethan said, tugging both girls onto the lake.

Venus jingled the bell on her wrist and snapped her fingers three times as Crystal flew into the air gracefully and scoured the crowds.

"What's she doing?" Willow asked her as she steadied herself on Ethan's shoulder.

"I asked her to look for Draco. I want to wish him a Merry Christmas before tomorrow." Venus explained.

"Ooo, you sure that's all?" Willow smirked, quirking a brow. Venus blushed and nodded her head profusely, twirling her necklace around her finger.

She looked up and saw the bird circling.

"She found him. I'll be right back." She said, skating away.

Venus glided through the people elegantly, occasionally doing a small jump or spin to feel the rush of adrenaline.

She jingled her bracelet and gazed up at the sky, waiting for the owl to appear as she ran into someone headfirst. 

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