New story!

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Ok so yu guys wanted it. So I delivered with the introduction of my new book called Unknown. The basic premises is that its been three monhs since the fight with the inquisitor where ezra almost died. In the time between the two stories kanan has defeated the inquisitor and has continued with ezra's Jedi training. The force within ezra has advance substantially since we last saw him.

This story is based around season two. But you know as its being writen before I cant predict what will happen next. Woo. But yeah anyway...

The introduction o my new book 'Unknown' is now up. So I hope you all enjoy it and coninue on this adventure with me. (I am aware that my request for morw characters is going to be a slow process but I'll work around it for now)


Its going to be longer than this book is. So you have more chapters to enjoy yay. Anyway youll find the book on my stories page. Agai thaks for sticking with me and I cant wait to write the next book for you guys.
See you around


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