Chapter 13 Show me...

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The next day

---Kanan's P.O.V---

Its around 6am. And as usual I am up. 'Time for morning meditation' The only reason why I do this is because my master used to drag me out of bed for training at 6am. But that was 15 years ago. I feel like I am dwelling on the past too much. I mean since I turned 14 I have been doing this. Since that day. The day she died. I never really belived that I had lost her. But I could feel her slipping away. Untill she died. Then I felt like someone had cut a cord to hy heart. I had a strong connection to my master. Her last words always haunted me. Her last living breath 'run' the connection between us and the force was unknown.  Because I stil hear her voice to this very day. 15 years on.

Master yoda always said that it was quite impressive that we had made such a strong connection in so little time. I moved down into the Cargo hold and opened the ramp. Moving outside I had to make a decision on whether I would meditate here or on the roof of the ghost. I preferdd meditating in the rain. Because the noice it made always calmed me. Nerves, fears  anything. Anythin can be calmed by rain. The soft patting it made on the metal hull of the ghost. Or the majestic look of it moving in the wind.

I put my self into a kneeling position on the ground.  I was going to stay here. Yes. And look into the distance as the weather wall approached the ghost once again.

Suddenly I felt movement in the force. Someone was waking up. I focused on the feeling as I closed my eyes again. A blacked out version of the ghost appeared. With the only colour being from the crew members. It can't be. Am I seeing their Aura's? Their very living life force. My master said they could only be seen by the trained eye. No I must be in deep meditation then. I'm not that advanced I my minioulation of the force.  Or at least I dont think I am.

I could see 5 Aura's.  One was a calming shade of green. Presumably Hera's. The next was a blue with sparks of electrical energy sparking threw  it.  It looked like it would be Ezra's as he does show attributes of a dark blue. A introvert.  Someone who likes to be alone. Looking on I could see a purple. Yep, thats Zeb. It looks a light purple. Someone with good intentions.  And one that was different shades of brown.  Sabine, a mandalorian would have many shades. It usally matched the shade of their eye's.  Mixed colours ment mixed emotions. And the last one was turquoise.  Like the turquoise waters of naboo. And light her shoto lightsaber. No wonder. She has had problems in her life. As the turquoise was a dark shade. She felt guilty about something. I'll ask her later. Oceana, was someone who had watched more that one person die. And was the reason of many deaths.

I knew, because when I helped her to sleep earlier.  Making that connection we shared memories of things that we boh would have rather left to our self's.  Our darkest secrets. She, has been a bounty hunter since the age of 19. Killing hired contracts for credits to survive. Thats probably whats in the backpack she had with her. All of her equipment.  Guns, grenades all things that sabine would be very intrested in looking at.

But that will have to wait. I need her to show me her lightsabers. To see if she has kept with the 'religion' as Zeb calls it.

"Kanan, you wanted to see me?" I open my eyes to see her standing their.  Well, its now or never. "I need you to Show me something" I felt my voice trail off as she replied with...

"What? What do I need to show you?"

"Can you show me...."

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