Chapter 10 Caleb dune

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Warning: One this part of the story includes alot of back story of kanan's past. This is my version of what happened as is not the original story. And parts of this chapter will be a bit graphic. IT WILL INVOLVE BLOOD. Sorry if you dont like this but you learn about the origins of the woman and more about Kanan.

---Kanan's P.O.V---

She sighed.  And spoke. " My name well..."  She paused again. "My name doesn't matter. It never did. But if you must know, My name is Oceana." What! But she... But I. No it cant be the same person. Surely. "And yes Jedi, I am the person you don't belive me to be." Ezra look very confused. And Sabine and Zeb even more so. "What is it your going by now? Wait dont tell me. Kanan."  She looked at me, those eyes just liek the ones I left behind 15 years ago. I couldn't find the words to say. Nothing would come out of my mouth. How is she still alive? I look up and she is speakig to Ezra.

He waves and leaves the room. Leaving her alone on the hologram on that end. I look toward hera. Then to the others.  She motions them to move out of the common room. She is about to leave when Oceana speaks again. " Wait." Hera turns to face the projector "You seem to know more than the others. You can stay. You need to hear this story. For it is quite the tale."  She nodded and took a seat next to me. She pulled me into a hug it, Was... quite the story.

"Well it all begain On Courasant, Where a boy of 14 was helping his master defend them self's.  The two fought for survival.  The master a woman of 36 (I dont know how old she was don't judge) Who welded a green lightsaber. The boy welded a blue lightsaber that could split into two. The two Jedi fought against an onslaught of clone troopers who only the day before had been fighting with them. Then a man who they belived to be a friend betrayed the master.  Pulling out a lightsaber that was crimson red. And attacked with powerful force. The master was Depa bilaba and the boy was Caleb dune. The clones moved back as the man started attacking the master. The padawan tried to help but the cloned restrained him."

I put my hand up asking her to stop. "Caleb dune, thats a name I haven't heard in a long time." Hera already knew that I was born Caleb dune. And to hide from the empire I changed my name. As they had lists of all the force sensitive children in the galaxy. Due to the infomation in  the holocron vault. Most of the holocrons were wiped but not all of them. So changing my name made sense at he time. The Caleb dune I used to be according to the empire, Died 15 years ago. When the temple collapsed. 

"I'll continue if you dont mind." I say to her. As she and I both know what's comming up next. She nodded and pushed for me to continue.

" The boy didn't know what to do as the clone troopers were a lot stronger than him. The Master and the sith fought with tremendous agility. Preforming back flips and slides every so often.  But the man preformed a force choke on the boy, rendering him helpless as he dropped to the floor an inch from death. The master seeing this forced the man away and ran to the boy helping him to his feet. 'Caleb, are you ok?' She would ask the boy. No reply came from his mouth as the sith pulled the boy from his master's arms. The sith then commanded the master to be restrained by the clones. And put his focus on the boy. He was the main target.  For he was the last padawan. Or so the sith thought. Before the sith could kill the boy a girl of the same age came out of the shadows. She had a normal lightsaber blade as well as a shoto blade. The lightsaber was green  and the shoto blade was a turquoise. She moved with both in hand camly towards the man. Then all of a sudden she sprug into action distracting the man and the troopers. Seeing her chance the master used the force to pull the boy into her arms."

I stopped. "I dont know anymore than that."

Oceana spoke up. "I do." She continued " The master put the now unconscious boy against a broken wal and joined the girl. Seeing an opportunity to cripple the man. She forced some rubble onto the man rendering him immobile.  As she ran to the girl and said 'Take the boy away from here.' The boy suddenly woke up again and ran to his master. You could see it in his eyes he wanted to help. But he was scared to do so.  'Master, let me help you!' He said. For he had seen the inevitable. He knew the outcome.  'No Caleb, not this time.' She replied to him. Then the man saw his chance.  As he used the force  to throw the rubble that was holding him down towards the master. The last thing she said before it hit her was 'Run Caleb, and trust in the force. Run...' The boy was reluctant to listen to her. But the girl came a dragged him away from the battle. She told him to run while handing him a small blue box. 'Open this and trust in the force. I'll see you again friend' She smiled towards the boy once more as he ran from the temple and went into hiding. The girl than ran back to see the troopers gone and the Master in a lake of her own blood. She moved her head weakly and summonded the girl over to her. 'Take my lightsaber and return it to him when the time is right' the girl was shocked by this remark. 'Oceana, when the time is right.' The girl nodded as she pulled the master into her lap. Blood trickled down the girl's leg as the master faded away. The girl then laid the master in her final resting place and left with her lightsaber in her hand."

She finished speaking.  "All I can say is that I'm sorry I couldn't do more. I have something for you when I meet you in person." She smiled at me. That kind smile that had haunted me for so many years was now here again. In person. Finally. But I felt that lost of my master as soon as she was gone. Then Caleb dune went with her.

Caleb dune may be gone. But Kanan Jarrus was going to show that he still lives.

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