Chapter 16 Training with Ezra

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---Kanan's P.O.V---

He's progressed further then I thought. I had taught him to meditate but not calm another being. Or mind entering for that matter. Maybe he doesn't need resistance training. Maybe he already knows. I brushed off the thougt and went to find him.

I found him talking to Oceana in the cockpit."Ezra. Its time for some lightsaber training." He looked towards me and nodded and then proceeded to run out of the room, and run back in with his lightsaber. "Ready to go when you are."

Oceana started to leave when I asked "Where are you going?" She turned around and indicated to her waist where her lightsabers usally reside. She didn't say a word as she walked out of the room. "Whats up with her?" Ezra asked. "She's usally so talkative and when ever you show up she suddenly shuts up and usally walks off."

I knew why.

She's still didn't belive that it was me. She thought I was dead. Like I thought she was dead. So neither of us had fully come to understand the truth. The fact that we were both alive and the fact that we have two Jedi who know each other now, together seems completely obserded to both of us.

"Ok, I'm back." Oceana walked back into the cockpit and she took a seat. "Ezra, go outside and prepare yourself for training, now go." I told ezra as I wanted to speak to Oceana on the way out. "As you wish, Master." He did as I told him and moved down the ladder towards the main ramp. "Whats up? You seem quiet lately" She stood up and put a hand on my shoulder. "I know. But I'll explain later. Now come on. Lets see where the boy is training wise." She moved ahead of me and down the ladder "Has he had any lightsaber combat training yet?" She asked me while I was climbing down.

"No. I haven't had time. From the point he got it to now. A lot and I mean A lot has happened to me and well us." She smiled as I turned around. "Dont worry. We'll start from square one. I'm sure he'll take to it like a fish to water."

"Your right." I nodded and we moved outside where Ezra was meditating "Ezra? You ready for this?" I could almost feel him open his eyes as he stood up. "Yeah, I'm ready." I could tell that he has really advanced as a padawan. He turned around and walked towards us. "So whats first?" Oceana then put her hand on my shoulder. And she leaned and wispered into my ear. "You can take his one. I'll watch and see where you are. Then I'll make judgements about what you need to learn about, ok." I brushed her hand off my shoulder and replyed with "Yeah. I can do that. But you need to help me at some point." She rolled her eyes. And walked back and sat on the ramp.

"Alright Ezra. Today I am going to teach you the basic defence techniques of lightsaber combat. You ready?" He gave me the 'Didn't I just answer this question?' Look and with that he took his lightsaber from his belt. "Alright. To start with I am going to show you some of the basic defensive techniques and your gonna copy me. Then yur gonna use them against me in combat."

"But why do I have to fight you?"

"Because I wont kill you. I'll disarm you. Unlike some people who would like to see us both dead."

"And why do we start wih defensive moves. Surely offensive moves would be more useful in combat. Offence is the best defence right?"

"Thats what everyone says Ezra. But no. Defence will keep you alive for longer. If you defend against a attacking enemy you have a higher survival rate. Defence IS the best offense. And don't forget that. If you do it'll cost you."

With that we started. I showed him a simple dual handed blocking first. Vertical blocking followed by horizontal and diagional blocking. And he took it in his stride. Blocking like a true jedi should. Even in lightsaber combat he was very good at preventing me from disarming me, for a time. Our ligtsabers clashed with blue sparks untill, eventually I got the better of him and I was able to disarm him. "You fought well Ezra. It took me longer than I had expected to disarm you. Well done." He nodded and put his lightsaber away. And doing the same Oceana got up and moved to the side of the ramp. And leaned against the side wall. "I'm annoyed though. I thought I was going to hold out for longer than that."

"You cant have too much of a good thing, Ezra." Oceana said as she got up and moved towards us. "But your technique is very good. And you should be proud of what you have achieved. But I will say one thing. You use yur sight. What you can see to defend. It works in situations like this one but not always. Be mindful of what on the battle field around you as well as the main target. Alright?" He nodded at her and she bowed her head slightly in acknowledgement. "Ok Ezra" He turned towards me "Thats enough for today, you can go." He gave me a fake salute and ran back into the ghost.

"Is that all he knows then? What you taught him today?" All I could do was nod. "Well you can work on basic offensive techniques tommrow. Then and only when hen has mastered them can you show him the advanced defensive techniques that your master taught you. Alright." I sighed. She was right, he did need to know the offensive techniques before the advanced stuff otherwise he will be at one stage of one and not the other. "Ok. But after that you teach him." I paused "The advanced single bladed techniques that you know"

"Do you want me to run through the advanced techniques with you first or on the day?"
"What do you mean on the day?"
"You know what I mean."

She's right.

Yay! I made it through the trainin chapter with minimal injures. Woop. But yeah, quite happy with this chapter and I hope you are too.



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