Chapter 12 Sleep.

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---Kanan's P.O.V---

We just took Oceana in from the storm. She was being checked by Hera to make sure that nothig was immediately wrong. "How long have you been awake for?" Hera asked the her. She looked up weakly with her turquoise eyes. "Well... I dont exactly know." Hera looked as surprised as a three year old on there birthday.  "You seriously dont know?" She put her hands on her hips. Looking very disappointed with her. "Well I know I haven't slept for at least..." her voice trailed off.

I moved towards her a knelt beaide her. "How long? How long has it been?" Seeing if I could jog her memory.  "Well, if you really want to know. I haven't slept in about three and a half weeks." This made everyone jump. "Three and a half weeks!" Hera remarked. She did look offended though so that wasnt a surprise.

"Kanan, I haven't slept for so long because I usally travel alone. So I cant  put my guard down. Not even to sleep. I can meditate though. Thats what kept me going for so long." So meditation does keep a Jedi going if they dont sleep. Intresting. "Well, your safe with us. So you can sleep. Remember, you need to let your guard down every once in a while. I will help you get to sleep if you like." To everyone else it sound's weird but it's not as it works threw the force.

She nodds. I move into a meditation position and place my left had over her head. I then used this temporary link between the two of us, to send calming thoughts to her. She begain to look drowsy and eventually closed her eyes. For the first time in three weeks she was sleeping. I then pick her up and move her upstairs to the med-bay. And lay her down. Leaving her to get some well deserved rest.

---Ezra's P.O.V---

Well, that woman is in the med bay recoverin from the rain. Me however, i don't need recovery. I've been caught in the storms on lothal more than once so I have a resistance to the illnesses that come with them. So thats helped me a few times.

Hera didn't belive me though.  Always asking me if I was ok. It's nice to know that someone cares. But sometimes she cares a little too much. I went to the kitchen to get some food. You know, I'm still not used to just being able to go to the kitchen and grab some food whenever.  Living on the streets for almost Eight years means you get used to not eating alot of food. Full stop. But oh well.

That woman, what's her name. Oceana. Yeah she is sleeping at the moment. How she can survive with no sleep for three and a half weeks. Its crazy if you ask me. But you know, She is a friend of Kanan so anything is possible.

---Kanan's P.O.V---

"I bet its weird, you know. Seeing her again after so long." Hera was talking to me. Trying, no. 'Do or do not Kanan, there is no try Kanan' Making a conversation. "Yeah, I guess. But she has changed. She went into hiding as well. But became an actual bounty hunter. Instead of becoming a rebel straight away.  But I think she will join our cause. Now more than ever." She nodded at me and handed me a drink. Looking towards me with eyes that could calm storms. Like the one outside. "Well, its up to you.  But I have no objection. I just want to know why you haven't told me what happened at the temple in the past." Man, she knew when and how to hit a soft spot. "I thought she was dead in the past. So telling about her made no sense"

You see I had told her about Oceana in the past but it hadn't come up since my last nightmare. Nightmares about my master's death. It always prevented me from sleeping as I have never really goten over it. But we all need sleep now and then.

Yeah. I'll do that. I need it, as much as the rest of the crew do. We all need sleep. Hera noticed,"Go get some sleep Kanan. I'll tell the crew to do the same." She then left me alone to my thoughts.

I made a move towards my room. And sat on my bed. 'Remember Kanan, now that you know she is alive try not to lose her again.'

I then lay down, and got some 'Well deserved' rest.

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