Chapter 15 Friendships and family. ♥

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---Kanan's P.O.V---

I cant belive she agreed. She is going to stay and help me. Ok. So now I need to tell the others.  I hope they like her, I mean she is quite well known threwout the outer rim.  As a ruthless bounty hunter that went by the name lucy. Suttle name I know but its what she went by. As her cover up. Like mine.

Walkin in to the common room I saw Oceana and Sabine talking about some art on the side wall. And Ezra and Hera playing a battle game on the holo projector. "Ha ha! Beat you again Ezra!" Hera excitedly exclamed as she punched him playfully on the shoulder.  "Ahh, don't worry about it kid. You'll beat me one day. Kanan's been trying for three years." Ezra gave a small snigger, seeing me she said " Oh sorry, Kanan has been failing to beat me for three years!" She then grabed Ezra in a head lock and ruffled Ezra's hair."Hey! Stop it Hera!" Ezra giggled as he failed at getting free of the twi'lec's arms.

She really did love the kid, like a son. And treated him like one. Hera thought of us as the family she never had, the one that none of us ever had. "Ok, guys I need you to listen to me." Head's turned towards me and I knew it was now or never. "I belive that having Oceana as a part of or crew would be at an advantage to all of us, for many reasons. So Oceana." I turned to face her. (Play pompeii - kat krazy Remix) " I would like to formally invite you to join our rebellion against the empire. What do you say?" She looked towards me then towards Hera. Then Ezra and Zeb who was sat at the back of the room. The finally towards sabine. "I..well...I..." Sabine nodded towards her. "Yes!" Sabine rushed towards her and threw herself towards her. And hugged her so tightly I swear she started to go slightly blue. But she accepted the hug and embraced the 16 year old.

"Thanks Kanan." She smiled towards me with those turquoise eyes. She moved towards me and grabbed my hand. "No really. Thank you." I felt a smile creep along my face "Your welcome" and as the crew were celebrating my decision.  I went to my room and started to meditate.


Waking up I was stood in a bar. Not the one in kothal but the one in captail city. From six years ago. I saw me, from six years ago with a six year younger Hera. Yep this is a shot of the past. But is it the same past? I then saw the other me and hera run from the bar rowards some smoke. Following them I could see a house on fire. Cracking noises came from inside as I ran towards the scene.

Then a hooded figure came in behind us. It was a woman with bright red hair and turquoise eyes. She promptly threw her cloak onto the ground. She looked towards the door and she ran towards it with speed. Jumping into the flames inside the house. I could move into the house and as I did I saw two hands interlocked. One a female's and the other a man's. The figure from before came into he room looking for survivor's. I heard a gasp as she went to check the pulses of the two people.

She then look distraught as she stood up and said "May the force be with you. "  She then jumped up as she heard a sob comming from upstairs.  she ran with increasing speed as I just appeared upstairs.  She closed her eyes and put her hand to a door. Her eyes then shot open as she tried to get the door open. "Come on... door open..." she was getting more and more frustrated.

Then suddenly she jumped away from the door as it was flung from its hinges. She ran into the room and the broken door revealed a seven year old boy. He had electric blue hair and dark blue eyes that were filled with sadness. "Kid, I am so glad I found you! I have to get you out of here." The boy looked at her put his arms out asking to be carried. The woman obliged to the boys request and picked him up but as she was going to move back out of the door she had first come through, flames reached into the room and trapped her and the boy in the room.

Suddenly by instinct the boy put his hands out to try to create a path for her and himself to go threw. It worked. The flames seamed to create a pathway to the stairwell. The woman seeing this ran towards the stairs and jumped down them as the flames licked the walls and came after her and the boy again. The woman decided she had to do something rash.

She ran.

Towards the door through the flames. Burns screamin up her arms as she tried to protect the boy. As she jumped out of the burning building and rolled out onto the gravely path outside.  She had the boy protected by her arms as they were covered in burns as well as her legs. Hera ran up to her and took the boy and gave him to me. Well other me. And went back over to her.

"Your seriously burned! What were you thinking?!" Hera asked her. She was greeted with a series of coughs and "I couldn't leave him to die in there. I did what.... I had..... to do......" she went into a coughing fit as the other me went to check the boy.

"Whats your name kid?"

"My name is...." Suddenly the inquisitor appeared. "His name doesn't matter. Especially now! He will be comming with me." The woman then grabbed her blasters. "I don't think so bucket head." The inquisitor then looked towards the other me. "Your first jedi!" He jumped towards me as I grabbed my blaster and shot at him. He put me into a force choke as he ket saying "The boy will be mine Jedi!"

Then the vision faded as I could hear other voices shouting my name.

Then a man in black came out of the darkness. He was taunting me. "Your apprentice will die! He will turn! And so will YOU!" This flung me back onto the hard abyss.  I covered my ears trying to block the man out.

---Ezra's P.O.V---

Kanan's been meditating for a long time. Like a really long time, and I think Oceana is starting to wonder if something is wrong with him. She then stood up and motioned for me to follow her. "Kid, is you master usally meditating this long?" I shook my head as we knocked the door. No reply, as we tried again Hera, Zeb and Sabine came running. Hera used her override code to open the door and enter the room. We saw kanan on the floor with his hands over his ears.

Not thinking I ran towards him. Slid along the floor and moved towards him. "Kanan! Its just a vision kanan! You need to get up!" I shouted as he started to toss and turn violently.  I then put myself into a meditation position and put my right hand out. I need to calm him down. Then wake him up. Closing my eyes I started to send calmig thoughts to him.

Man, I hope this works.

---Kanan's P.O.V---

The voice was persistent.  Throwing taunts at me and sending pain, constant pain. All of a sudden a light came out of the darkness. A blue light. The darkness then formed a figure and pulled out a lightsaber. The blue light pulled out a ligtsaber and fought with agility and strength.  He blue figure fought so well that the dark figure was defeated swiftly.

The figure then came towards me, and he offered a hand towards me. I took it gladly. And he helped me stand up. The  he stood in front of me and pushed the darkness away, with the force. It was now clearer with the background looking like a sky. With soft fluffy clouds drifting lazily across the sky.

The the blue figure spoke "you need to wake up kanan. People are worried about you." It sounded like Ezra's voice. But he hadn't taught him how to do this yet. "Kanan, please wake up."  I knew how too but I couldn't. Then the figure started to disappear "Wait!" I shouted "How do I get out of here?"  The figure stopped fading and waljed back towards me "kanan, you know that better than I do."

He figure then faded leaving me with my thoughts.  And I did what I had to do.

---Ezra's P.O.V---

I woke up to find Oceana by my side. "Kid, I'm so glad your alright!" She paused "But seriously what in Yoda's name where you thinking!" I looked at her " I wasn't sure.  But I think I helped him out of his vision." She gave me a smile  as kanan started to stur. "Ezra?" I saw his turquoise eyes look weakly at me.

"I'm so glad your alright!" And I ran and gave him a hug. He didn't accept it at first but then melted into my arms. "Ezra it was horrible.  Everything I saw." He stayed in my embrace untill I stood up. Then Hera came and helped him up.

We are really like a family....

So yeah. Story chapter right here! :) &★♥

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