chapter 24 : The force within pt. 2

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--Hera's P.O.V--

I walked into the med bay and found Ezra laying there. Still. Peaceful. I pulled up a chair and sat down beside him. "Oh Ezra...." felt myself say quietly as if not to disturb his sleep. Looking towards him I could see his chest moving up and down slowly. Then turning to go something caught my eye, movement. His hand twitched slightly. Wait....

That means.... Never mind.

My mind started to race with thoughts. But I controlled the urge to do something stupid. As Kanan ran into the room. Smiling when he saw his Padawan. He knelt besides the bed and put his hand over Ezra's upturned hand, he gripped Ezra's hand and we waited. Waited for something to happen. Something did.

--Kanan's P.O.V--

My hand laid on Ezra's hand. Hoping that the force would give me a sign. My eyes were closed as I hoped. But a small feeling on my hand made me open my eyes. I saw Ezra's hand slowly closing In on mine. As the grip got tighter I felt tears of joy build up in my eyes as I turned to Hera. All I needed to do was nod and she would go.

I gave her that nod. The confirmation that he was alive. She ran out of the room as I pulled the chair over using the force (Hey it has it's more, pointless uses to you know) sitting down I look towards his face to see if there were any signs of consciousness.


I close my eyes and I felt a tear stream down my face, knowing he was alive was one thing. But seeing his blue eyes right now would mean the world to me. Then I felt a thumb wipe away the tear that had made it half way down my face. Opening them I could see two weak blue eyes looking back at me. "Kanan? Is that you? Where are we?" the door behind me opened to reveal the rest of the crew. But Oceana. Turning back to look toward him I answered "Yes Ezra, Its me. I'm here and your safe, on the ghost."

I heard a small squeal from Sabine as she jumped Zeb and hugged him. As Hera came over to me and Ezra, as soon as she saw his eyes she knew. "Hi, Hera." She gave him a small smile. "Hi Ezra. How you feeling?" He smiled, Man I missed that smile. "Well my stomach still hurts and I have a terrible head. But other than that I'm fine. Where's Oceana?" He started to get himself up and I moved over to help him. Pushing him up slowly we got him sat on the edge of the bed. Then he held his hand up to me. I gave him an 'are you sure?' look and he nodded. I then held his hand and helped him stand up. It took him a while to gain his balance but he soon steadied himself. After 'falling' into me.

"I hear something. From outside. Do you guys?" Sabine and Zeb shook there heads and Hera soon followed suit. "Kanan? Do you hear it?" I nodded. A faint noise was coming from outside. It sounded like Oceana. We moved to the cockpit and looked outside. She was there with a guitar. Playing it. Singing something. She was walking up and down pacing. "Guys listen."

"Falling on my face again

So I know I'm right on track

It's hard for me to make amends

When you stab me in the back

Sail it on to another sorry shore

Talking shit, say I'm your filthy little, filthy little

Like I just happen to be in the right place right time

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