Many thanks to all of you

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Hello everyone!

Its me and I am just here to say thank you so much. I wasn't sure about starting this book at first as I was quite new to the whole writing about characters that there is excessive ammounts of information for. But I throughly enjoyed writing this book for you and I have to say that it has been alot of fun.

Now to the more important stuff. As many of you have been wondering about it. I have decided to make a sequel to this book. I will reveal the name for you soon so dont archive this book just yet. This will be a continuation of the force within with emphasis on the cast of season 2. So yes the season one inquisitor is dead at this point.

(Still convinced that the female inquisitor is barris offee. Because reasons but thats my opinion. Probably not yours.  If it is though thats cool.)

But is there any members of the season 2 cast that you want as a dominant character or do you want me to write a certain fight with two certain characters.  Wink wink nudge nudge *cough ashoka and vader cough* if so please let me know.

I dont know when I will be starting the next book, but it might not be for a while as I am a very busy person. With alot to do. Yeah... alot to do.

Any way. If you guys have any suggestions for improvements on this book or any suggestions for story lines or titles just tell me. AS then I might implement them into the story line.

In the mean time I need ideas so I will be looking threw many stories to find ideas. If you have any you would like me to read though give me a call and I will see what I can do. I mean its the least I can do for all you lovely people out there. Anyway enough of me going on. Thank you all once again for sticking with me up to this point I really appreciate it.

Until I see you all again.

Goodbye all.


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