Chapter 4 Where's Ezra?

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---Kanan's P.O.V---

I walked out of my room and into the common room where everyone was rushing around.  Looking around I saw Zeb polishing his bow-rifle , sabine was preparing some paint bombs and hera was looking through a box at the back of the room. The silence was deafening.  The ghost wasnt usally this quiet. I couldn't take it any more. "Has anyone seen Ezra?" Zeb looked at me and then shook his head. Hera did the same. Sabine spoke up "He said something about not feeling well. So I presume he went outside." Hera gave her a look of disapproval and asked " What do you mean he said he wasn't feeling well? Sabine what did he tell you? " She looked at her, and shrugged.  I lent against the wall and motioned sabine to move out of the room. She reluctantly followed me to the cockpit.

"What did he tel you sabine?" I asked motioning her to take a seat. I always thought of her as a daughter. " He said about an hour ago that he wasn't feelig very good and was going out for some air. He also said I wasn't to worry about him."  Thats a long time. Even for Ezra, I mean he once went out for half an hour after chopper zapped him. " Sabine" I started " Did he tell you about where he was going?  Anything." She simply shook her head. "Well, did he look ill?" She nodded. "Can you tell me what he looked like?" Hopping that she would tell me about his apperence. I looked into her hazel eyes. She snapped.

"Yes! Ok, fine. He looked extremely pale. And he had really dark circles under his eyes. His voice sounded croaky or scared. Like something had happened when we all weren't looking. He just knocked on my door this morning and said that he wasn't feeling well so he went out and he would be back soon. I dont know anything else I swear!" She almost in tears. "I'm worried Kanan, I'm worried about him." She started to cry. This was new. I had never seen her cry before she seemed the type to hold all of her emotions in, not share them with anyone." Sabine, its alright. I'm... I'm sure that he is fine" I walked over to her and offered to hug her. She gladly accepted the offer and fell into my arms. Tears were streaming down her face as she cried on my shoulder. "Suhhhhh, its ok." I say patting her back as she crys. I had no idea how much she cared about him. She let go and wiped the tears from her eyes. She took a deep breath and said "Dont tell the others, please." I smiled and replyed with " I wont." She then left the room leaving me alone.

I take the ladder down to the cargo hold and open the ramp. I step outside to find a torn peice of paper on the ground. I walk to it and pick it up. Parts or it were rubbed out and re writen and others were writen in a different language. Something very scruffy, but very intriguing. I started to read what I could. I couldn't make out much on it.

Somethings wrong ....... something feels wrong........... I dont trust it......... but who....... trust.......I............its ....... he........leave.........alone..........can't tell.............sorry........gone to........ to see.........I nee.....d.......Kanan......

What? Whats wrong with him. Who's he? So many questions about this one peice of paper. One decision,  I either tell the others or keep this to myself. But something in the force tells me that telling them would calm  there nerves.

Yes. I needed to show them this. It might help them calm down. Especially sabine poor girl. Thats all she is at heart. A child like the rest of us. I tured around and made my way back inside the ghost to tell the others.

---Hera's P.O.V---

What's going on? I mean one minute kanan's here with us then he and sabine go then sabine comes back in. Its very wierd. Ezras been gone awile as well but none of us. Well other than sabine know what happened to him.

Suddenly I say "Kanan's coming back in guys." I say as I hear footsteps behind the door. He then ,as if on que, comes into the room. Sabine and zeb both look surprised and ask "How did you know?" I decided to make a mockery of our leader and simply say "The Force" he looks at me completely unimpressed as he sits down next to the holo projector. And takes something out of his pocket. 

He holds it to me and asks "Hera, what do you make of this?" I take the crumpled  peice of paper. Strange. Half writen in English and half writen in Twi'lek. Seeing my puzzled look sabine asks "well what does it say hera?" I look up at her then to kanan. Zeb then pushes for some answers, "Well hera? Can you read it?"  I sigh.  I can read it as it all looks the same to me. But I dont want to tell them.

I cant.

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