Chapter 3 Before the mission.

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"And what?"

"I dont want to hurt you."

---Kanan's P.O.V---

What? What does he mean. "Ezra, what do you mean?" I recived no reply from him.  I was worried now. Why wouldn't he tell me? I stand up. And help him to his feet. "Ezra, you sure you dont want to talk about it?" All I recived was a nod as he walked off with his hands on his arms. "I dont like this" Hera says as she stands up and moves to my side. "We can use him if he is going to be like this." She Explains. I had to defend my student. "He can still go, I'll keep an eye on him from he ghost while you deal with the data"

"No, Kanan not like this."

"Hera, Let him  do this."

"But... kanan..."

"He will be fine. I'll be right behind him."

She nodded "Fine, but if something goes wrong. I will blame you." I looked back at her "I know."

I then  made gestures to the rest of the crew. "Alright, get some rest all of you. We are all gonna need to be awake and alert tomorrow for the mission to be a success." Sabine and Zeb both went "Sir yes Sir." Like stormtroopers. I put my had to my face and sighed as the two went to there rooms. Next hera went. Leaving me and my thoughts behind in the common room.

I went to my room. And sat down. Now, 'why couldnt he tell me?' I thought as I began to meditate. 


  I start to see an image of The inquisitor.  He is talking to agent Callus. There in a room of grey and black with one large window across the back. Then there voices become audible.

"So whats the Idea of this inquisitor? " Agent callus asks as he leans against the wall to the side of the room.

"It is quite simple Callus. I will scare the boy into submission.  Using pain. Because a jedi still feels pain. And pain can break anyone. Including the mightiest of them. They will all fall. You will see. And so will his master. His master will feel the pain of the padawan.  And will try to save him from his inevitable fate. Death."

---End of vision---

I cant belive what I am hearing.  He wont tell me because the inquisitor makes him feel pain. Thats low, even for him. I have to help him sepperate from the inquisitor so that he doesn't feel the pain. Resistance, that matters.

Wait. Resistance,  thats it!

An idea suddenly came to me. Before the mission. I will have a trainin session  with ezra. About resistance to the dark side. If it works he should be able to block out the inquisitor. If it doesn't work I might have more than the inquisitor to worry about.

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