"I'm going to stop you right there mother my dear!" Keefe said with a smirk. "Just give up." He said. She stood there for a minute, then rolled her eyes and lunged for Maruca. A forcefeild appeared around her and sent Gisela spiraling to the ground.

Keefe ran over to Sophie with hope in his eyes. she smiled. he was here. She ran over to him. almost there... then she stopped Horror crossed over her face when she felt the chains pull her back. NO! It was to late. Dex was unconscious on the ground and Gethen stared right at her. "Keefe run!" She screamed as her ethertine glowed. fear stung through her again, stabbing her heart. She couldent hurt him. She wouldn't... But Gethen had other ideas. Keefes eyes widened but steely determination replaced his shock, "I am not leaving you again foster! You always get all the fun! Time to share!" He joked.

"Keefe now is not the time to be--"

"Im sorry what was that?" He asked with a smirk

"I said--"

"You said you loved me right?"

"Keefe seriously hes got me--"

"Actually I'VE got you but you know, patato-patoto."


"Yes?" He asked, still smirking even when she watched her fist swing for his face. "Stop joking around!" She yelled and grimaced as she turned and almost round house kicked him. almost. He grabbed her leg and held it in the air so she couldent move without falling. "Sorry but you know its impossible to turn off, right?" He said. She groaned when he dropped her and she fell on her bum. "Thanks a lot hero." She said as she watched herself get up and dust off.

"See!? I'm irresistible with that title!" He said and blocked Sophie's dagger.

"In case you didn't notice, Gethen is using me right now!" She screamed and punched him with her other arm. He winced when the punch connected with his arm but swung his foot under her. She squealed and tripped, falling on her butt again. "Yeah i know that! That's what makes this so fun!" He said.

"Your impossible!" She said and lunged up faster than she expected. she sung at him again and he tucked and rolled but she didn't stop. Her body kept going. She watched her self sprint over to where Grady was still fighting Fintan. "SOMEBODY STOP ME!" She screamed. Grady turned a second to late and got punched in the face by her. No... She hurt her dad! fear changed to anger. Gethen did this! the Neverseen did this! But she couldent stop it with this stupid circlet on. With Grady's concentration broken Fintan elbowed Grady in the gut and he doubled over next to Brunne. Fintan wiped some of the sweat from his forehead and he snatched Sophie's hand. Oh no...

Energy electrocuted her hand as he grabbed her but his face quickly went from a pained grimace to an unsettling grin. He launched his hand out and neon yellow flames burst from his hands. Her friends screamed and started panicking. "Everyone over here!" Maruca shouted. Her friends started running straight for her, dragging Dex and Stina with them. Sophie tried to tell them that it was a trap. that Fintan was going to make it look out of control and then use her enhancing, but chains seemed to wrap around her throat. Gethen... Fear and anger dropped on her like a bucket of ice water. It shocked her system and sent her struggling to breath. Maruca had put a forcefeild around them and was trying to put one around Grady, Brunne, and Sophie. Sophie desperately started at her, hoped Maruca would see the warning in her eyes. When Maruca looked at her it was to late and Fintan chuckled as he pulled the uncontrollable flames around them, trapping them in a ring of unstoppable fire. her freinds blanched at the sight of it. Keefe just shook his head, "How..."

"Am I doing this?" Fintan interrupted, finishing Keefes question for him. His eyes gleamed with triumph as he shook Sophie's hand slightly, "ask her." He said. Her freinds eyes went wide with relization. Sophie shivered in the intense heat. Fear crawled through her like a million tiny bugs. she felt queasy looking at the bright flames and equally unsettled by the person who's controlling them.

Gethen just laughed at their reactions.
Alvar wiped his bloody nose and angerly paced outside the ring.

Brunne whimpered, finally recovering from his injury. He scrambled away from the flames but stumbled again. Fintan laughed at his struggle, "Still cant get out of your own memories?" He asked. Brenne shuddered, "If I could I would..." He said sadly. Fintan turned his head and sneered when he saw Grady try to get up. "I wouldn't do that If I were you Grady." Fintan said threateningly. Grady froze in his place as though he had his cuffs back on. Fintan laughed, "its to bad they didn't put a forcefeild on you isn't it?" He said. Orange flames started crawling towards Grady. "You know Grady... I think its time for me to exact my revenge..." Fintan said.

Lady Giselas eyes widened, "Fintan this wasn't part of the--"

"I dont care about you failing plane anymore Gisela, your son isn't capable of it! Besids... I would like to settle my grudge..."

"NO! NO PLEASE!" Sophie screamed in his grasp. She jerked as hard as she could but he wouldent budge. Fintan laughed at her hysterics, "I dont know what I enjoy more, burning Grady or having Sophie watch." He said. The flames went faster, grew higher. She could hear her friends screams. She could hear Maruca crying, trying to get another forcefeild up.

"Say hello to Jolie for me..." Fintan mocked as the flames roared up even higher...

Just before the Glowing sparks touched Grady's face Brunne Barrelled into him and knocked them both to the other side of the everblaze. Fintan growled in frustration and sent the flames speeding toward them but just before they hit a forcefeild enclosed the two. Wet tears streamed down Sophie's face. They're okay... They're okay... They're okay...

That's when she noticed That Brunne's hood flew down when he tackled Grady...

Grady sat in shock...

Her friends gasped and choked on air...

Tears started spilling down Sophie's face again...

It couldent be...

Its impossible...

But there Kenric stood in Brunne's place...

...I've made my dreams all come true with this chapter guy's! I hope you all enjoyed it and I am so sorry about the wait. Big things are coming in the next to chapters to so watch out! Also I'm so so sorry about my bad combat scene but I really did try! Your all so very welcome! ;)   (Lest all be real, we all cried when he died so now he's back! Suffer no more!)

Lol anyway, Thank you all so much for souppourting me and giving me the ideas I needed for this to happen! you have no idea how much it means to me and how grateful I am for you all ❤️

I hope you enjoyed!

Word count: 2605


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