Chapter 59: Home

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Chapter fifty nine: Home
Emily and Ivory were waiting for us at what remained of the base, and nobody protested when Preston finally kissed Ivory for the first time, the second they were together again.
"I don't know what miracle brought you safely back here," said Ivory, "but you're not leaving me again."
"I'm not going anywhere," he whispered. He held her tightly to his chest, and buried his face into her neck.
Jerome and Emily also had a happy reunion. I wanted to hug my sister right away, but I knew she needed time with Jerome. They stood for a long time with their arms around each other, as if coming to grips with the entire situation. The loss of our mother would have hit Emily just as hard as it hit me, if not harder, because she was always closer with our mother, whilst as kids, I spent more time with our father.

Much later, myself, Mitch, Jerome, Emily, Preston, Ivory, Vikk, Lachlan, and Hannah were sitting in the sun, talking about what we wanted to do from here.
"As much as Canada has always been a home to me," said Mitch, "I feel like I want to move far away from any memories here."
"I know what you mean," agreed Jerome. "But wherever we go, let's go together." I sighed.
"Australia will always be home for me," I said. "As much as I want to stay with you guys, I need to go home. If you guys want to come with me, that's your decision, and if you do decide to come I'll welcome you gladly." Mitch took my hand, and smiled at me.
"I'll go with you," he stated. "But that's a given." I returned his smile, and rested my head on his shoulder.
"I'll go too, if Emily will come with me," said Jerome. Emily nodded.
"I'm with you Abby. I just want to go home." The others all voiced their agreement with the decision.
"Australia it is then," sighed Mitch peacefully. He turned to look at me. I wondered what was going to happen now.
"Mitch what happens now? Are you still the leader?" He sighed.
"I don't want to be," he said. "People have asked me to, but I just want to go back to being normal. Anyway, a leader that can manage a rebellion well is not necessarily a good leader once peace is restored. I think they should elect somebody else."
"Who would you choose?" Asked Preston. Mitch shrugged.
"Don't know. I never really thought much about it," he said. "I guess someone who enjoys the work and is going to put everything they've got into it. It's an important position, so it needs to be someone who's down to earth, and has a lot of common sense."
We talked a little more about what would happen in the future, carefully avoiding anything to do with the events of the past few days. Eventually, we decided it was time to gather our stuff, what few things we had at the base, and head to Australia.

A soft familiar breeze brushed over my face, as I jogged over the gravel path towards the fields that bordered the stables of my old home. I climbed up onto the gate, and whistled shrilly. I noticed a chestnut stallion far out on the hills prick up his ears suddenly, and listen. He still remembered me. But could he forgive me for leaving for so long? I gave the whistle again. All at once, he turned his head, and galloped down the hill, and all the way up to the gate where I waited.
"King!" I exclaimed happily, throwing my arms around his neck. He whinnied softly, and blew into my face. I chuckled. "That makes me feel at home," I laughed. Tangling my fingers in his mane, I pulled myself up from the gate, and onto his back. I squeezed his sides gently with my feet, and he leapt forward. I fell into the natural rhythm of the horse's trot. After all this time, I missed the feeling of riding, with the wind blowing in my face, and tugging at my hair. We rode around the Ranch buildings until I came to where the others were talking with Emily in the house. They came outside as I rode up to the front porch. I slowed King to a standstill, and grinned at them.
"How's everything out there?" Asked Emily.
"Fine," I smiled. "The stable hands have taken care of everything."
"Your horse is gorgeous!" Smiled Hannah, rubbing King's nose. "What's his name?"
"This is King," I smiled. "I've had him since he was a foal, his mother's out in the fields somewhere I think."
"Abby we need to talk about what we're doing about this Ranch," said Emily. "Are you coming inside now?"
"Not yet," I stated firmly. I had no intention of setting my feet on the ground again until I'd been for a ride out in the forest. "I'm going for a ride. I'll be back later."
"Can I come with you?" Asked Mitch, smiling up at me. I nodded.
"Can you ride?" I asked. He shook his head.
"I won't ride fast then so you can keep up, if any of you guys want to come you're welcome," I grinned, squeezing my heels gently into King to turn him around and head back the way we came.

A/N: who wouldn't love Mitch? I mean, really...

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