Chapter 45: The Doctor of Neural Functions

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A/N: That is Jason --->
Aka MinecraftUniverse/TrueMU
(ie. the guy who Mitch killed right at the end just before Vikk 'died'. Ironic, because I had to chop Mitch out of the side of this picture haha)

Chapter forty five: The Doctor of Neural Functions
It was dusk when the hovercraft dropped us on top of a clump of buildings inside The Soviet's borders, which was apparently close to the hospital lab that contained Vikk and Lionel. We apparently had to go over the buildings rather than down the street to avoid detection. Preston and I parkoured it over the roofs of the buildings in tense silence, myself with my gold dagger hanging on my neck and a pocket full of knives, and both of us with guns. We reached a tall, white building, with windows evenly spaced at intervals surrounding it, and halted.
"This is it, isn't it?" Whispered Preston. I nodded, remembering the photo one of the people from the spy department had showed me. The two of us ducked down on one side of the roof, and examined the fortress before us. It appeared to be impenetrable, but according to the spies, there would be one window left open by 'accident' for us to crawl through.
"There's the window," I whispered, pointing up to a window several stories above us. "We'll have to climb up to it."
"We should be able to use the windows below to get up there," replied Preston. "But we have to get over to the actual building first."
"The windows have a decent sized ledge," I said. "We can probably jump and grab onto one of the bars of the window."
"Do you want to go first or shall I?" He asked.
"I'll go first," I said. "I'm not too bad at this stuff." Preston nodded. We stood up and crossed the rooftop to the outside wall of the hospital. I gripped a knife in one hand, and launched myself at the ledge opposite. I managed to grab onto one of the metal bars, but almost wasn't strong enough to hold myself there. Luckily, I managed to ram the knife I was holding into the wall, and it stuck. I steadied myself, removed the knife, and turned to look at Preston. He jumped the gap, and I caught him by the arm and prevented him from falling. We looked at each other.
"Now we go up?" I asked. He nodded.
"You go first," he said. "You're better at this stuff than I am."
"Ok." I reached up, and grabbed the window sill above, and pulled myself up towards it. Once I'd gone up far enough I was close enough to quickly let go of the sill and grab the bars by the window. After pulling myself up I turned to help Preston if he needed it. However, he was generally alright on his own. After three window sills, the muscles in my arms were killing me, but we still had two more to go.
"The biggest danger with this is we can't see if there's anybody at the window above us," whispered Preston. I nodded.
"Yeah, but we don't have another option at this stage," I replied. We rested for a few moments. My heart was beating hard in my chest from the adrenaline.
"Come on, two more and we're in," said Preston. I nodded, and reached for the next window sill. We finally made it to the window that stood open, with all the bars unlocked. We crawled inside silently, and as we did so, we heard high heeled footsteps coming.
"You close the door, I'll get her," I whispered. Preston nodded, and picked up a heavy book lying on the table. As soon as the woman entered the room, he lobbed the book at the heavy, soundproofed door, causing it to swing shut with a bang. The woman might have sounded the alarm if she didn't have one of my knives embedded in her chest. I averted my eyes away from her, not wanting to think about what I'd just done.
"Let's go, quickly," I whispered. We crossed to the heavy door, opened it, and after closing it softly behind us, we crept down the corridor towards room HD703. We both knew the number we were looking for, so whilst Preston examined the number on every door we passed, I kept a sharp lookout for any other people. But we met no one, and the only signs of life were voiced behind doors, which we hurried past.
"I think it's the next one," whispered Preston. "That was 704, but the numbers go backwards." I nodded. We continued on to the next door, which sure enough, was HD703. I quickly checked that nobody was coming, whilst Preston listened at the door. He shook his head, and tried the handle. It turned, and we entered a room that was completely devoid of any light.
"Shut the door," whispered Preston. "I think I know what this is." I shut the door, leaving us in total darkness. I watched as Preston felt along the walls until he came to a switch near the floor. He flicked it, and the lights came on.
"It's an identity check," he explained, as he looked around the room. "Now I've got about twenty seconds to hack into it before it decides I shouldn't be in here." He went to what looked like a random empty space on the wall, and pushed it in, revealing a screen.
"How the hell did you know that was there?" I whispered.
"Lots of practice," he chuckled, as he pushed buttons. "There, we're done. Turn the lights off and it should let us straight through." I found the switch again, and flicked it off.
"What did you do?" I asked.
"It thinks we're Dr Waltrice," he replied, as a door in front of us swung open. "Doctor of Neural Functions."
"Does he exist?" I chuckled.
"I hope not," smiled Preston. "If he does exist somewhere else we're screwed, because he's suddenly cloned himself somehow." We left the dark room quickly, and came to a room filled with lab coats, head sets, and other things.
"Now we play dress up," sighed Preston. "I don't think they want two rebellion leaders running around in their neural laboratory."

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