Chapter 40: Preserved in Ice

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Chapter forty: Preserved in Ice
It turned out that the tribe Ebony's family was a part of wanted to hold their own banquet to say goodbye to their friends who would soon be leaving for Canada, so we all decided to join them. There was a lot of people there, and I sat at a small table with Mitch, Preston, Tyron, and Ivory. Preston and Ivory discovered that they had been working on the same project before the rebellion - Preston on the Arabian end, and Ivory on the African end. The project was the mission to get communications going between the two countries, and Ivory had planned to move to Arabia once she turned twenty. Mitch, Tyron and I had no idea what they were talking about, so we held our own conversation. Tyron seemed like a great guy. It turned out that he had planned to move to Perth, Australia on his twentieth, so we probably would have crossed paths anyway if none of this had happened.
"Such a small world," I laughed.
"Very small when you have a few hovercrafts at your disposal," agreed Tyron.
"It's weird," said Mitch. "Not that long ago we had no means of transport over the borders of our own country. Now we're just surfing around the world in crazy flying machines."
"It's great," I smiled. Tyron sighed.
"I can't wait until the war is over," he said. "Everything will be so much better."
"The best thing we can do now is focus on actually winning this war," said Mitch.
"I wish I could help," said Tyron.
"Well, you probably can, once we get to Canada," I replied. "What sort of field are you interested in?"
"I enjoy mapping things out and planning things," said Tyron doubtfully. "I don't know if that's much help."
"We can get you helping in Kyle's field," said Mitch. "Kyle is the head of planning and campaigning at the rebel base."
"Really?" Exclaimed Tyron incredulously. "That would be awesome!"
"Hey, Mitch," said Preston, interrupting our conversation.
"What?" He asked.
"Can Ivory come in our hovercraft when we go back? Because we're going via Arabia and I want to show her some of the stuff we've been working on there." Mitch shrugged.
"I guess so," he replied, raising an eyebrow at Preston. He looked at me, and I shrugged. I knew Preston was a happy person generally, but he wasn't normally this excited about something. He must be really passionate about whatever project this was.

Later, we were back on the hovercraft, headed for Arabia, and then back to Canada again. I was feeling pretty down at that moment. Mitch and Preston were in secretive mode again, and once I happened to catch them talking about whatever it was. I decided to ask Mitch again what he was hiding.
"Just trust me on this one Abby," he said. "It's probably not something you really want on your mind right now."
"Mitch I don't care, I just want to know what it is," I sighed. "It's pretty clear it's something important, you don't act like this for no reason."
"Abby, I'm sorry," he replied, taking me by the shoulders, and looking into my eyes. "If it was something very important, I'd tell you. I just don't think you really want to know this." I searched his eyes for any relenting, and found none. I sighed, and nodded. The last time he refused to tell me something was when Vikk liked me... My train of thought stopped dead.
"Mitch, it's about Vikk, isn't it," I stated. He stared at me.
"How do you know?" He asked. I remained silent. He sighed. "Do you want the good news, or the bad news?" He asked.
"Just tell me," I replied, frowning.
"The Soviet are trying to get through to individual members of the rebellion such as you, me,
Preston, Jerome, and Em, since we're apparently known as the big five of the rebellion in The Soviet," said Mitch. "They're doing it by beaming images into the sky of things we truly care about being destroyed, and they seem very real."
"They seem real?" I repeated.
"Seem real," he affirmed. "We had thought they were real until we saw images of Preston being forced to work for the Soviet, and that clued us in that it wasn't real, because Preston was there with us. And... there was images of Vikk as well, which were obviously directed at you."
"But they're not real, right?" I asked, worriedly. I still cared about Vikk, and I didn't want him to be hurt.
"No, they're not real, Abby." I felt my shoulders relax. We were both silent for a while, thinking. I suddenly remembered that they preserved the bodies of tributes for their celebrations in The Soviet. It was apparently a big tourist attraction there. But that still didn't add up with the fact that Preston was here...
"Wait, Mitch," I stated, looking up at him. "They preserve the bodies of the tributes, don't they? So The Soviets can see them afterwards."
"Well what about it?" He asked me, frowning.
"That wasn't Preston you saw, that was Lionel. They're still alive, Mitch!"
"They're not Abby, they died in the arena, we saw it happen."
"Look, I know The Soviet has some pretty incredible technology, but none of it is that good. And I doubt they've found another lookalike of Preston, and a lookalike of Vikk. It has to be them!"
"But it can't be, both of those guys are dead!"
"They're not! Mitch, we..."
"No, I know what you're gonna say, and we're not doing it. That's exactly what The Soviets want us to do."
"But they could be hurt," I replied, upset. "We have to get them out of there!"
"No, they're just using this to trick you into going there," said Mitch. "Anyway, supposing you did go there, and he actually was still alive. You don't think for a moment they'd let him live any longer, do you? They'd kill him right in front of you, and then kill you."
"But the least we can do is try, right?" I asked. "Please Mitch, this is really important to me!"
"No, I'm not letting you get yourself killed," he said, angrily. "So put that thought out of your head." I sighed, and stormed off to another room.

A/N: sorry I've not updated in a while guys, I've been trying to work out a plot line for the rebellion. But now it's all good, so I can continue uploading.
And excuse me while I FREAK OUT because Vikk followed me on twitter and replied to my dm OH MY GOSH!!! Am I justified in thinking he's amazing? <3
anyways... So that happened...
Now I have a live stream of Dota 2 by Kenny to watch :) goodbye :P

oh wait one more thinggggg!!!
tell me if I should do a character contest!!

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