Chapter 44: Just be Careful

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A/N: that is Vikk --->
aka Vikkstar123 aka Helmet Boy aka the stabiliser.
#SidemenGTA-References hehe
And he's wearing a Power Moves Only t-shirt which is kinda fitting haha

Chapter forty four: Just Be Careful
We arrived safely home again to our base, most of us having slept the majority of the ride home. Mitch, Jerome, Preston, and I were a little shaken after almost getting blown out of the sky, but we were slowly getting over it. As Mitch had grimly warned us, it was only the beginning. Worse was to come.
The second we landed on the ground, Kyleigh, Mitch's sister, pulled him aside to talk to him. They had an earnest conversation, and Mitch looked worried.
"What are they talking about?" Asked Preston, coming to stand beside me.
"I have no idea, but Mitch looks worried, so I'm a bit scared," I replied. We stood in silence and waited for Mitch to finish talking with his sister. When he finally did, Kyleigh ran off with a few other people, and Mitch came over to Jerome, Preston, and I. He looked at me.
"You know how Kyleigh works for the spy department, right?" He asked me. I nodded, wordlessly.
"Well, they've got news from the spies in The Soviet. Vikk and Lionel are still alive." There was a long silence. Mitch watched my expression carefully. I knew he didn't want me to go and find Vikk, but he knew too that I would find a way of going if he refused to let me go. And then there was Preston... He would want Lionel back if it was at all possible. I glanced at Preston, but his expression was unreadable.
"So what's the verdict?" I asked, turning to look at Mitch. "Do we have enough information to get them out of there?" Mitch sighed.
"Apparently they do," he replied. "You'd need to talk to the spy department, but apparently they want two people to go in there. I'm guessing that you two are going to go whether I like it or not."
"Mitch we can't just let someone else go in and risk their lives for something that we want," reasoned Preston. "Lionel did a lot for me, he saved my life, among other things. The least I can do is go and save his." Mitch nodded.
"Ok, I hope everything goes ok," he said, giving us a small smile. He held out his arms to me, and I fell into them gratefully. It was nice to enjoy his embrace for once in a while. Hopefully Preston and I would return safely with Vikk and Lionel.

Preston and I went to the spy department, where we discovered a lot of information about where Vikk and Lionel were being kept. Apparently they had, as I had guessed, been preserved after their 'death' in the arena in ice, as all the dead tributes were, so the people of The Soviet could see them. It was apparently a great tourist attraction. After some time in The Soviet's hospital lab, the two of them had their bodily functions restarted, and they returned to life. It creeped me out that The Soviet could just bring people back at will.
Preston and I planned to rescue them from The Soviet's hospital lab whilst the rest of the rebellion crew were working to get India on the side of the rebels. Mitch had decided, much to my relief, that Vikk might actually be an asset to us in gaining India, since it was his home country. The main trouble we were having with India was the fact that a lot of them disliked the main leaders of the rebellion since one, Vikk had hated Mitch, and two, I had killed Vikk. There was also the fact that there were many rich people in the country who made a packet out of their jewellery mining, and were in no hurry to relinquish their cushy lives supported by The Soviet.

It wasn't long before Preston and I were on our way to The Soviet in a hovercraft.
"I hope they'll be ok until we can get them out of there," I sighed, worriedly. Preston nodded in agreement.
"There's one thing I don't understand, Abby," he said, frowning. "And that is why you care so much about Vikk." I sighed.
"I don't really understand that myself," I replied. "I just feel like we met each other under the wrong circumstances, and that if it had been different we might have been friends. I didn't realise this until the last moment in the arena, just before he... died. And I want to make it up to him for killing him, because the guilt is destroying me from the inside." I looked at the floor. "And then, Mitch told me that he apparently liked me, so now whenever I mention him Mitch gets jealous."
"Well that doesn't surprise me," smiled Preston. "But maybe if India sees that you've gone to save Vikk and that you two are good friends then maybe India will be more willing to make an alliance with the rest of the world and break their ties with The Soviet. But please be careful." I looked up at him.
"Why?" I asked.
"Well... If what Mitch said was true, Vikk could possibly cause trouble in your relationship with Mitch." I sighed.
"That won't happen Preston. I love Mitch, I couldn't love anybody else."
"I know," said Preston. "Just be careful." I nodded.
"I will."

A/N: I'd just like to point out that this chapter (minus the author's notes) is exactly 888 words long xD

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