Chapter 7: Power Moves Squad

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Chapter seven: Power Moves Squad
Already, an alliance was forming within the tributes. This was evident to me almost immediately when I re-entered the training room after a short break for food. For the entire morning, five or six of the guys had been battling each other in one corner, one on one, no weapons. And now they all stood in a group around the swordsmanship station, with the newly established strongest one of them all as their leader at the centre. I recognised him immediately - it was Mitchell Hughes, the Canadian tribute. I studied each team member individually, trying to decipher from their faces and body posture what they were like.
First there was Preston, the Arabian tribute. Not as muscular as the others, but nevertheless sturdily built. He stood beside his leader like a body guard, and from the way Mitch turned to look at him every so often, it was evident that the two were not only team members, but they trusted each other.
This was not as evident in the next member I laid my eyes on. Vikk, the tribute from India, stood at the outskirts of the group, talking to another member. His body was positioned facing away from Mitch, and judging by his facial expression, I wondered if he were perhaps jealous that Mitchell had taken the leadership of the team, and not himself. If Mitch didn't realise it soon, his days in the arena would be few.
Jason was beside Vikk, carrying on a rapid conversation with him. These two evidently trusted each other, although Jason's disapproval of Mitch as the leader was not as evident in his expression. The two remaining members were Ryan, and Matt - (whom they called Nooch.) These two were talking to Mitch and Preston, and they were laughing and joking with them. Whilst strongly built, these two appeared to be hangers on to the team, rather than contributing members. I guessed that they would be easily swayed one way or another if Vikk really did want to mutiny on Mitchell.
When my eyes finally came to rest on the face of the leader, his eyes were already upon me. I realised he was subjecting me to the same scrutiny with which I had subjected his friends. Trying to understand me, and what I was thinking about him. I decided to give him a smile to confuse him, and then turned away to the axe station. I felt his hazel eyes follow my every move, boring holes in the back of my head, but I ignored them. Eventually, he turned his attentions back to the swordsmanship station, and I felt my body relax. I wondered what conclusions he drew from watching me? I knew that analysing the actions and expressions of people came naturally to some people - for me it had always been easy. Perhaps it was the same for him.

Later in the day, I watched the Power Moves Squad (PMS), as the team had become known, bully one of the younger tributes. To be fair, the guy had asked for it, but what the team was doing was really unnecessary. All afternoon, they had dominated the swordsmanship station. The guy, (I had never troubled to learn his name) decided to throw his weight around, and attempted to order the team out of the station. You can imagine how well that went down. The poor guy was now trying in vain to escape the station, whilst dodging the swords of the team. I knew they wouldn't hurt him. Everyone knew that. The punishments for killing another tribute before the arena were dire. However, it was evident that this tribute was beginning to doubt whether Power Moves Squad cared about this rule.
Finally, they allowed the tribute to escape the station, and he scuttled off up the stairs, and into the lift, trying to put as much distance between himself and the team as possible. PMS chuckled to themselves, and I watched as Mitch swung a sword around in his hands. He was very good at handling it, however it was obvious it wasn't his usual weapon. He just wasn't comfortable with the thing.
However, was no doubt about it now who was boss of the tributes. When PMS appeared, the other tributes made way for them. They avoided them like terrified mice, and whispered about them in corners. I preferred to go with the flow as far as the avoiding went, however I drew the line at the whispered conversations. I wasn't afraid of these bullies, however it was part of my act to stay at the bottom of any kill list, and if avoiding PMS would achieve that then so be it.
As the week progressed, PMS began to show their skills. Their sole reasoning for teaming appeared to lie simply in the fact that they were the biggest and strongest of the tributes. They held the attitude that they would first clear the arena of weaker tributes together, and then fight it out between themselves. I hoped I could show them I wouldn't be taken down so easily, but I began to wonder exactly how I, or anyone else for that matter, could take out six strong guys without perishing themselves? It would not be an easy task, by any means. However, it was a task that I would have to attempt, unless I could make an alliance, which Em advised against.
"You can see what is happening in PMS, Abby," she warned me. "They're already plotting how to kill each other. They see the rest of you as mere formalities, which is a dangerous move. If you team with someone, both of you know that one will eventually have to kill the other. If your team member decides to betray before you do, that's curtains for you. You'll have to take out PMS on your own somehow."
"All very well for you to say," I muttered. But she did have a point. I decided to go with her advice, and not form any alliances. They were too dangerous.

A/N: I know, I know... Power Moves Squad doesn't actually include all of those people. This is fiction guys, get over it. You've probably noticed I put Team Crafted on the cover picture too. That doesn't really line up either, but you know how it is with PMS... They can't stand still for long enough to get a decent picture haha.

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