Chapter 46: Forgiveness

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A/N: does anyone watch any of the ultimate sidemen on youtube? If ya do comment and tell me coz I might be doing a story with them in:)

Chapter forty six: Forgiveness
Disguised in a long white lab coat and a heavy headset, the two of us made our way through the hospital to find the genetics lab, hoping we weren't too late to do anything. We saw quite a number of people, but as is the way with hospitals, everyone was too busy doing their own thing to pay attention to what anyone else was doing. We walked in brisk silence down the corridors, until we came to a long, uninhibited stretch.
"The genetics lab should be somewhere along here, right?" Said Preston.
"Yeah," I replied. "They're being kept down here because the doctors here are the ones making them do all that stuff we saw." Preston was silent, but it was obvious what he was thinking. If they're in the genetics lab, surely their genes haven't been altered. Would The Soviet be that cruel?
"I think we're here," I said quietly, nodding my head to a door on the left side of the passage. The sign on it read 'HD703.6'. According to the spies, this was code for the genetics lab.
"I guess HD is Hospital department," said Preston quietly.
"Such a creative name," I said sarcastically. "Hopefully there's no identity check, because we don't have time." I pushed open the door, and the two of us walked into a dark room. Preston sighed.
"What do we do?" He asked. "Should I hack it again, or just smash the controls and hope for the best? We don't have much time."
"Smash it," I replied. "They've probably detected the hack from the other one by now, right? We might as well just go for it."
"Ok, just let me remove one thing," replied Preston. He once again felt around the dark room, and pulled off a metal grating from the wall. He removed something, and closed it again.
"The alarm speaker," he replied. "Ok, let's go." We shot bullets at the door in front of us until it busted open, and we pushed through it into a room of blinding white lights.
Once my eyes adjusted to the brightness, I could see two rooms, separated from us and each other by thick glass, most likely sound proofed. And within them was Vikk and Lionel. I sighed in relief.
"You get Lionel, I'll get Vikk?" I asked Preston. He nodded. I went to Vikk's room, and rapped on the glass. He looked up at me, and I nearly lost it. His face was so thin, and his skin was pale. I realised he didn't recognise me in the disguise I'd picked up earlier, and ripped the headset off my head. His eyes widened in hope. I indicated for him to move out the way, and then shot the door open. I could hear Preston doing the same. I went inside, and he looked at me cautiously.
"Are you real?" I nodded, wordlessly. Was he truly that broken?
"Oh my gosh Vikk..." I whispered. "What have they done to you?" He shook his head sadly.
"I don't know." I could see he was still wary of me. I sat on the ground in front of him.
"Vikk, we need to get out of here, quickly," I whispered. He said nothing, but stared at me for a few seconds.
"Why did you come for me?" He asked softly. I sighed.
"I'd be rich if I got paid every time I heard that question," I replied. "I don't think I even know myself. I just couldn't live with what I'd done to you. And I wanted a second chance at being friends with you, because I think you're an amazing person." His eyes widened.
"Thank you," he whispered. I couldn't take it any more, and pulled him into a hug, which he returned instantly. In that moment, any feelings of hate or resentment we might have had for each other melted.
"I'm sorry," I whispered, pulling away to look at him.
"I know, it's ok I forgave you," he replied. I frowned.
"But I didn't deserve it," I sighed.
"That doesn't matter," he said. He stood, and I stood up with him, watching as he looked around, as if for the first time. It was like his body was waking up, and feeling again. "Where's Mitch?" He asked cautiously.
"In India," I replied. "He's..."
"I know," he cut me off. "He's leading the rebellion." His voice was bitter, and I realised that Mitch's dislike for Vikk and anything related to him would be returned. I frowned.
"I was going to say he's waiting for you, because we need you to help us with India. I'm pretty sure that's the only reason he didn't try to stop me coming here. But we need to get going, Preston is letting Lionel escape, and then we're going."
"Who's Lionel?" Asked Vikk, frowning. I was confused, until I realised that of course he didn't know about that.
"Oh you still think Lionel is Preston, right?" I said. He looked more confused than before.
"Lionel is Preston's double, the one in the room next to you."
"Let's just go. Oh... Wait." I paused, and pulled a few knives from my pocket. He looked at me sceptically.
"You can trust me," I said, holding them out for him. "I promise." He frowned, and took them. I realised he was looking at the gold dagger, which as usual, was around my neck. It was the same one I'd 'killed' him with. I reached up and unclipped it, and placed it around his neck.
"Do you believe me yet?" I asked, looking at him. He smiled for the first time since I'd seen him.
"I believe you," he replied.
"Then let's go," I replied, and we left the room.

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