Chapter 22: The Fall of Katniss

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Chapter 22: The Fall of Katniss

Chapter twenty two: The fall of Katniss
The following morning, I headed out to explore the scrublands, alone once more. I was running low on water, and since I was unable to return to the waterfall without risking an encounter with PMS, I wanted to look in the scrubland for a water source. I also wanted to stock up on food, and I wanted to know what animals there were for the taking in the scrubland. There was always the forest birds, and the occasional rabbit, but hunting in the forest, again, risked an encounter with PMS.
I wandered about a little aimlessly, enjoying the change of scenery. I realised that the scrubland did have it's advantages. Not only were PMS more than likely on the opposite side of the arena to me, but you could see a lot further around you, since there was no trees blocking the way. Although there was very limited hiding places, it would be even harder for someone to creep up on you. As I walked I passed a large ravine. I wondered if it had been caused in the earthquake from yesterday, or if it was actually a design feature of the arena. Whichever it was, the sheer height of the cliffs was quite a majestic view, and I stopped to look at it for a while. I thought I saw water glinting at the bottom, however there was no way I'd be able to get to it. Even if I did get down, it would be even harder to climb up again. I continued on after a while.
I'd not gone far from the ravine, when I suddenly noticed a figure in the distance. It didn't take me long to recognise him. It was Mitch. He must have fled the group when Preston was killed. I hoped that didn't mean his ex-teammates were following him.
He hadn't yet seen me. I found a decent sized boulder, and crouched behind it. If someone was actually looking for me, they would find me. However, if they were just passing by, they'd never know I was there.
Mitch was in no hurry. He wandered along, his quiver of arrows on his shoulder, his bow tucked under his arm, and one of the throwing knives sticking out of his pocket. I realised he no longer had the pouch with the rest of knives, and I wondered what had happened to them. Why did he only have one knife left? He appeared to have no food or water either, which made me wonder if all of his supplies were with the rest of PMS.
Suddenly, he obviously heard something, because he turned sharply to look behind him. He gripped his bow tightly, and picked up speed. Then all at once, over the horizon came the four remaining members of PMS, led by, as I had guessed, Vikk. They were pursuing Mitch, and Vikk was obviously eager to finish him off. I suddenly realised where Mitch was headed - if he continued in that direction, he would be cut off by the ravine, and be unable to escape. I had to act quickly if I was going to stop that happening. I leapt up, and ran as fast as I could around the side, planning to cut him off before he got to the ravine. Unfortunately, Mitch saw that PMS was closing in on him, and began to run too. I was too late. Mitch suddenly realised his predicament, and I watched in horror as the colour drained from his face. But he took his bow, and fitted an arrow to it, and waited. I found a new boulder, preferring not to get caught in the crossfire of this particular fight, and waited too.

The second that PMS rounded the corner, an arrow flew from Mitch's bow, directly towards Jason's chest. Mitch was a good shot, but at the long distance, Jason just had time enough to dodge, avoiding a fatal blow. However, the arrow still hit him in the arm, and he gave a startled yell. He gingerly removed the arrowhead from his arm, where it had stuck, and tossed it aside. Then they advanced on Mitch.
"You might as well give yourself up," said Vikk, in a nonchalant manner. "You're done. We both know it."
"I'll fight you to the death Vikk," said Mitch, glaring at him.
"It's on," challenged Vikk.
It was about then that I realised that Vikk had the throwing knives. Arrows and knives flew backwards and forwards, and Mitch managed to hit Ryan twice in the same shoulder, and Vikk between his chest and his arm. One inch towards the left, and Vikk would have been gone. As it was, the only damage it did was some pretty deep scratches on his side and his arm. Mitch was expending quite a lot of energy dodging all Vikk's knives, and I realised he was trying to get him to use them all up so he could fight him more evenly. So far, none of the knives had hit Mitch, which was probably due to the fact that Vikk wasn't exactly the world's greatest shot. However, the next knife that Vikk threw hit Mitch in the leg. It went in pretty deep, and caused Mitch yell loudly in pain, and drop to the ground. The four PMS members ran over to him, but he still managed to draw his bow and hold them at bay by aiming it directly at Vikk's heart.
"Come any closer and I'll shoot it," he warned. Vikk had finally run completely out of knives, so he picked up one that had missed from the ground, and advanced on Mitch. I stared in horror. There was nothing Mitch could do now. He would be dead in a matter of seconds. Unless I stopped them.
I finally left my hiding place, and stood out in the open.
"Vikk!" I yelled. He and the three others whipped their heads around instantly to see who it was. Vikk glared when he saw it was me.
"I should have known he'd try to find you," he said. He turned back to look finish off his captor, but cried out in surprise when he saw that Mitch was no longer there. There was a distant splash. And then silence. Mitch had rolled off the edge of the ravine, and hit the water below. I wondered what the chances of him surviving that fall were. Probably very small.
"He can die down there on his own," said Jason. "Perhaps you'd like to join him down here?"
"I'll be fine thanks," I said, advancing on them with my sword. I knew I'd have to fight them now, and I didn't want Vikk to have any opportunity to pick up any more knives. I glared at Matt. I had to take him down if it was the last thing I ever did.
I swung at Vikk with my sword, and he dodged, receiving only a slight scrape across his front. I knew he was waiting for an opportunity to throw the knife. Jason attacked me with his own sword, and he gashed my stomach. I groaned, and attacked him, giving him a deep cut in his left arm. They all began to bear down on me, and I was forced to back up towards the ravine. I noticed something. Mitch's cannon hadn't yet sounded, meaning he had survived his fall. I decided I would lead them on. I continued to back up, until I was almost to the point where I could step back off the cliff. Then I threw my sword with all my might at Matt's chest. It was a move he wasn't expecting, and he collapsed immediately, loosing blood fast. At the same time, Vikk threw his knife at me, and it hit my shoulder. This knocked me off the edge of the ravine, and I fell. Down, and down, and down. As I fell, I heard Matt's cannon firing. It was a small comfort to know that I had avenged Ebony. Even if I didn't survive this fall, I would be happy.
Suddenly, I hit the water with a smack, and then everything went black.

A/N: to the youtuber fans reading... It's How To Minecraft/How 2 Minecraft all over again xD
You want deaths, you get deaths. But not the way you wanted them :P

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