Chapter 14: The Secret Ally

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Chapter 14: The Secret Ally

Chapter fourteen: The Secret Ally
Mitch's interview was the last interview of the evening. And in all honesty, I was as nervous for his as I was for my own. One word in the wrong place could clue in the people of The Soviet that he was the one that had caught me that evening. Not only that, but I knew Vikk was watching both of us. If he somehow guessed that it was Mitch that caught me, especially after Yoseph Scourwood phrasing it as 'my secret ally,' he would have even more ammunition against Mitch, and could blackmail Mitch into telling him about my abilities. Having my abilities kept secret would give me definite advantages in the arena, and they were advantages I was in no hurry to relinquish.

"So Mitchell," began the interviewer, as the two sat themselves down in the comfy stage chairs. "you're really on a roll these games, aren't you. You had a fantastic opening night, scored a magnificent twelve in training, and now I hear you're the leader of a powerful alliance, what have you named yourselves again?"
"PMS - Power Moves Squad," said Mitch, smirking at the name. The audience cheered.
"Wow," stated Yoseph, emphatically. "And what are your expectations for the games? Any hopes or fears?"
"Well I guess I have a few secret fears" replied Mitch. "But really, I think I'm on that can't stop won't stop train, I know I can win this." More cheering.
"Can't stop, won't stop, don you love that confidence?" Yelled Yoseph to the audience, causing them to cheer louder. "well you've definitely got the support of the crowds behind you."
As the cheering died down, he continued.
"now tell me... Mitch... You scored a twelve in training, but also the cowgirl from down under, Abby Jay. What are your thoughts on her?" Oh no he didn't. Mitch smiled a little at the mention, and I guessed it was to hide any other expression that might try to find it's way to his face.
"I'll admit, she's impressed me, she's pretty powerful. She took down Vikk in training so I'm not surprised she gained a twelve, but I've never fought her in combat before." Yoseph was clearly surprised.
"Never fought in combat before," he repeated incredulously. "So if you came across her in the arena, how do you think it would go." There was a few brief moments of suspenseful silence.
"I guess you'll get the answer to that if it happens," replied Mitch finally. "But I hope I don't have to kill her."
"And why is that, Mitchell?" I watched him intently, awaiting the reply.
"It would be a hardly won battle."

Later that night, I crept up to the rooftop of the training compound. I couldn't sleep, and I figured that perhaps a little stargazing in the cool breeze might clear my head in readiness for the following day.
The Soviet citizens had loved me. That much had been clear. It was natural that they should love the tributes scoring the highest in training, and that, combined with my exciting lot of 'secrets', plus Shari's fantastic dress meant they would probably follow my progress in the games closely. I sighed. Despite being a pretty extroverted person, I was not the type of person who enjoyed so much attention. I missed living in my own private life. It was a big change going from that to a life that was televised worldwide.
"You know there was really no need to blackmail me. I told you I wouldn't tell anyone about your skills."
I would probably recognise his voice anywhere by now. I didn't turn to look at him, but I saw out of the corner of my eye that he crossed the roof, and sat beside me.
"Sorry," I sighed. "I just didn't know whether I could trust you or not."
"What about now?" He asked.
"Mitch, I've known of your existence for, what, a week? And I never spoke to you until the other night." It was quiet for a moment. "So I impressed you, huh?" I asked, turning to meet his hazel eyes.
"As much as my pride will allow it, yes." I rolled my eyes, smiling a little. We were quiet for quite a while, both of us looking out over the buildings at the glinting stars. Finally, he spoke.
"All of this just sucks." I looked at him, confused. He continued. "In less than a fortnight probably, either one or both of us will be dead. And if one of us is still alive, that means the rest of the tributes will all be dead. That's nineteen families who have lost someone forever, and one family who will never be the same again. We all know what happens to the victors of the celebrations after they've won." I sighed.
"Victory tour to talk to all the families of the people you killed, then back to Russia to party, then back every year after that to party and initiate the new tributes." I was worried that we were possibly being recorded by Soviet security cameras, and tried to change the subject.
"It's a horrible subject, let's change it." We talked for a little while about the interesting new rule they were instigating these games - the one that said one pair of tributes from a particular country can be voted in to have contact with their mentor during the games. However, there was something on my mind.
"There's something I need to ask you Mitch."
"What is it?" He asked, looking at me.
"Why are you trying to be friends, why do you talk to me and no one else outside of PMS? Because the only logical explanation I can come up with is that you're pretending to be friends with me so I'm easier to kill in the arena." Mitch sighed, but held my gaze.
"You still don't trust me, do you," he said. I shook my head no.
"I can't." All is quiet for a moment.
"I know it seems like I'm really into this whole thing," he said finally, "But I'm not. I don't want to kill you, or anyone else in the games. But I might be forced to if I want to get back home to my family again to support them and help them. Abby my parents passed away when I was twelve, I've been supporting my brother and sisters since then. That's why I'm so determined to win this." He pauses momentarily, then continues. "What I said about you... In my interview was... only half true. I don't want to kill you because I think if we work together we can easily clear the arena."
This bombshell obviously required some time to fully register. When the dust had finally settled, I felt angry.
"So you just think I'd be useful to get you to the end of the games so you can kill me and go home? What about if I wanted to go home too? Didn't that ever occur to you?"
"Abby that's not what I meant," he protested.
"Don't give me that Mitchell of course it's what you meant or you wouldn't have said it." He glared at me. I knew he hated his full name, but I used it because I was angry. He was clearly hurt, but not as much as I was.
"Maybe they're right about getting rid of you at the start of the games." I returned his glare.
"I hope you do get killed by your team members, because I sure as hell don't want to do it," I exclaimed in a loud whisper. "Not because I think you're useful to me or something, but because I actually cared about you. I thought you were a decent person, but I've discovered my mistake."
We stood at the same time, and both of us stalked down off the roof and into the elevator. We rode in silence, not looking at one another. When we finally reached the corridors that lead to the tributes sleeping quarters, he turned to look at me.
"See you in the arena, Abby."
"I'll be there, Mitch," I returned.

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