Chapter 42: Operation Hide in the Hovercraft

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A/N: that's Jerome ---->
Aka JeromeASF, ASFJerome, Bacca, Fluffy.
Do you know how hard it is to find a decent picture of him!!! Practically the only ones have his girlfriend in and since she's not in this story (well she's been replaced haha no hate to louise I love her) so anyway this is from the team crafted photo shoot.

Chapter forty two: Operation Hide in the Hovercraft
The meeting had been held, in which the plans had been confirmed, and the people going to various places had been decided. The larger hovercrafts would be sent into India as a distraction, whilst the smaller hovercrafts went into Europe to get them on side. The problem had arisen for what if The Soviet discovered the Europe mission, and targeted it instead of the distraction. As usual, Mitch had come up with the answer, but it wasn't one anybody, except perhaps himself, was happy about.
The plan was simple - he would put himself in the India hovercraft, and make sure The Soviet knew he was there. They would be sure to target him, since he was the leader. There was also the fact that they were still salty about their previous failed attempts to knock him off. And if that wasn't enough, Jerome and Preston were going with him.
So basically, the three most important people in the rebellion were about to walk into a death trap. The thing that annoyed me the most was the fact that Mitch refused to allow me to go with him. The two of us were sitting by ourselves at the top of one of the mountains surrounding the base, arguing.
"Mitch if you're dead, do you think I want to stay here by myself?" I groaned.
"I couldn't live with myself if I just let you walk in there and get yourself killed," he sighed, picking up a small stone and throwing it down the hill.
"You won't have to live with yourself if you're dead!"
"No, but at least if I do die, I can know that you're safe, instead of dead too."
"No you won't, because as soon as you're gone I'll go into a different battle zone and get myself killed too. Do you think I want to live without you? I can't!" He sighed, and looked at me.
"Abby, I promised I'd never let you get hurt. How can I keep that promise if you're in a maximum danger zone?"
"I'll let you off on the promise," I replied. He shook his head.
"No, I won't go back on it. Just stop it, ok? I've made my decision, I'm not letting you go. That's the end of it." I sighed.
"Fine," I whispered, throwing another stone down the hill. It rolled over the tufts of grass, and disappeared from view.

I plopped down on one of the couches in the living room of the house we were currently living in. Mitch, his siblings, Jerome, Em, and I all lived in it together. At the moment, Jerome was the only one in the house. He looked up from a laptop as I entered, and smiled slightly.
"Is he not letting you go?"
"No," I sighed. Jerome shook his head.
"I'm just glad Em doesn't have a death wish," he smiled.
"No, she just doesn't fight," I replied. "If she did she'd be wanting to come too."
"I heard my name," came Em's voice, as the door opened, and my sister stepped inside. I explained the situation to her.
"I get that he's upset, but it doesn't make sense to make me stay here," I sighed.
"I have to agree with you there," said Em. "So let's... Oh wait, Jerome, block your ears." Jerome rolled his eyes playfully at her.
"Go talk somewhere else," he told her. "I'm busy here."
"Ok, I'll be back later then," she smiled, and after kissing Jerome, she grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the door.
"What?" I asked, chuckling.
"Wait, we need Ivory first," she said.
We found Ivory out in the grounds of the base, and together, the three of us went up onto another hill to talk.
"So what's this big plan?" Asked Ivory.
"Mitch isn't letting Abby go to India with them," explained Em quickly. "So we're going to sneak her onto the hovercraft with them. We can't tell Jerome or Preston because their honour might betray us to Mitch."
"Ok," smiled Ivory. "How are we going to do this?"
"It's pretty simple," replied Em. "We just have to get her on there a few hours before they leave."
"Wait no, that won't be easy," I replied. "Mitch is gonna want to say goodbye to me before he leaves, and he can't do that if I'm hiding in the hovercraft."
"So say goodbye to him first, then," replied Ivory. "Tell him you're assisting with the launching or something so you can't watch him leave. Then just go and hide in the hovercraft and don't come out until it's too late." I nodded slowly.
"Ok, I could do that," I replied.
"Of course you can," smiled Em. "Are you down for it?"
"Of course," I grinned. "When do they leave?"
"Tomorrow afternoon," she replied. "They're planning to fly through the night and get to India by morning. The mini hovercrafts will leave in the morning."
"Ok," I nodded. "It's gonna be hard saying 'goodbye' to him without laughing though."
"You'll manage it," replied Ivory, smiling. "And I bet Preston and Jerome will stick up for you once they discover you're on board." I wiggled my eyes at her when she said Preston's name. She frowned, confused for a moment, but when she understood, she rolled her eyes, and blushed.
"Oh stop it," she laughed, and picked up a clod of earth.
"Don't you dare throw that at me!" I exclaimed, laughing.
"I'll pick out the stones first," she said, pulling out a few hard lumps of rock. "Wouldn't want you to get hurt." She tossed the clump of dirt at me, and I yelled and ducked. The lump went sailing over me and hit Em in the head.
"Ivory, why!" She complained dramatically, pulling the dirt from her hair and flicking little bits at both me and Ivory.
"I'm sorry!" She giggled. "Blame Abby, she shouldn't have ducked!"

Battle ScarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora