Chapter 13: Secret, Secret

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Chapter thirteen: Secret, Secret
"Abby you look amazing!" Exclaimed Anna. She and Daniel had just finished arranging my outfit for my final interview. Shari had created it, and it was both suitable for the occasion, and I liked it, two things that rarely occurred at the same time.
It was a knee length dress, black at the top, and dark green towards the bottom, and at the ends of it it almost looked like the branches of forest trees. Not only that, but Shari had incorporated a little imaging into the dress. When I spun around in the dress, horses came out of the trees and trotted around me, to vanish when I stopped moving. I had to say, it was pretty incredible. Even Anna and Daniel were amazed, and being stylists themselves, they were definitely up with all the fashions of The Soviet. The horses were to keep the ball rolling since I had gained the nickname 'cowgirl' with the people of The Soviet.
On my feet, I wore black flats that glittered under the lights of the dressing room. Shari had tried to get me to wear heels, since I was so short, but eventually he agreed with me that it was better to be short and stable, than tall and likely to collapse on stage. I hated wearing heels, and made no effort to learn to walk in them.
My hair hung loosely around my shoulders, instead of being tied in it's usual braid, and it had been straightened to perfection by Daniel. I wished it wasn't down - it annoyed me. Although I had to agree with them that I looked nice with it like this.
Em and I had gone over things I could say in my interview. We obviously had no idea what Yoseph Scourwood, the interviewer and host, would ask me. But it was still a good idea to have something ready to talk about.
Finally, after what seemed like ages of brushing, and scrubbing, and applying makeup, I was sent with the other tributes to the lounge behind the stage. The walls were soundproofed, but on the big screens at the front we could clearly see what was happening on stage.
I looked around at how all the other tributes were dressed. All of the guys were wearing dress suits of various colours. The girls wore dresses - all of them were different, but all of them were beautiful, and some were really impressive and stunning.
I looked over to where PMS stood in a corner, and met the eyes of Mitch, wearing a black suit, and black shirt underneath, with a hazel green bow tie that matched the colour of his eyes. I realised with a start that it was also the colour of my dress, and I hoped nobody noticed, and thought we were matching. I realised in embarrassment that I had been staring at him, and turned away. Vikk caught my eye, and a stare-down ensued. His dark eyes glared into mine from across the room, both of us trying to decipher what the other was thinking. I noticed with some disappointment that his prep team had done a fantastic job of covering up the beautiful bruise I had given him. I had been hoping that his hatred of me would somehow diminish in the days leading up to our time in the arena, or that he would gain a new enemy and leave me alone. But it seemed like that wasn't going to happen. He still lusted for my blood. Still wanted me dead.
I dropped his gaze, and focused on the screen, blocking out all thoughts of Mitch, Vikk, and anyone else. On the screen, Yoseph Scourwood was reaching delicately into a large glass bowl to draw from it a name. This was how the order of events for the evening would be established. Yoseph picked up a paper, and drawing it out, he opened it.
"And our first interview for the evening is with Alicia Jaclyn, from America!" The crowd cheered, and within the room we were in, Alicia stood to go onto the stage. She was escorted by a few stage hands to the wings, and then welcomed onto the stage by Yoseph Scourwood.
The interviews proceeded slowly. Nothing really interesting happened in any of them, so when my name was finally drawn from the bowl, and I headed for the stage, all traces of nervousness were gone. There was no need to be worried about this - there was no questions I could be asked that would throw me. I hoped.
As I walked onto the stage, the audience erupted into cheers. Yoseph welcomed me, kissing me on both cheeks, a 'quaint' custom that The Soviet's people had copied from the French.
"Just look at you, cowgirl!" He exclaimed excitedly. "You truly look fantastic. I'm so impressed!" The crowd cheered him on. "I suspect this was your stylist, Shari's doing, was it not?"
"Yes, he made the dress," I agreed, smiling. Shari deserved all the praise he got.
"Well it does look wonderful on you, why don't you give us a spin in it?"
"Sure," I nodded, having only been waiting for just such an invitation. I stepped towards the middle of the stage, and began to spin in a circle, and as I did so, the horses created with the imaging techniques leapt from the shadowy trees. The crowd roared in delight. I finally slowed to a halt, and the horses vanished from view.
"Well," laughed Yoseph. "I think we can all confirm that we've been overawed." The crowd confirmed it loudly.
"So," he continued, after we had taken a seat. "What's your secret, we're all dying to know how did you gain your score of 12?" I smiled.
"If I told you it wouldn't be a secret, would it?" A ripple of excited discussion passed through the audience. I knew they all wanted to know what was so good about me, but I wasn't prepared to let on just yet.
"Ah, we're keeping it a secret, are we? Who else knows this secret of yours?"
"My mentor knows," I said thoughtfully. "But I know she won't split on me."
"So nobody else at all knows," says the interviewer wonderingly. "What about any of the other tributes?" I hesitated. Don't get me wrong, I'm a very convincing liar. However this was a question I hadn't expected. A scenario that hadn't played through my head as I awaited my turn on stage.
"Ah, some hesitation there, cowgirl. Is there somebody else who knows your secret?" I obviously couldn't explain how Mitch knew what I could do. Then I had an idea.
"There is one person... They caught me training," I admitted. "But I still don't think you'll find out
before the arena. I have something I could tell about them as well."
"Oh, this is exciting!" Said Yoseph. "Secrets, secrets, secrets! We're really playing the mysterious game tonight."
"It's all in the act," I joked, and Yoseph laughed much more than necessary, causing the crowd to laugh as well.
"Well, we'll all be playing detective trying to work out who this secret ally is. But for now, I wish you every success in the arena, cowgirl." He offered me his hand, and I took it, standing up before the crowds. "Citizens of The Soviet, I give you the female Australian tribute, the cowgirl from down under, Miss Abby Hernandez!"

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