Chapter 44: What you Don't Know

Start from the beginning

Naruto fell back onto the bed and opened his eyes to look up at his boyfriend who was beginning to crawl up and on top of him. His face was extremely red as he definitely wasn't expecting this to come from just one kiss. "S-Sasuke I don't thi—" Now this time he was interrupted by the man hovering over him who strategically connected their lips once again. Neither of the two felt any physical pain and even if they did, there was no way they'd feel it right now.

"M-Mngh." Naruto started huffing through the deep kiss as Sasuke practically explored every part of his mouth. Making for a very familiar feeling occur in his lower regions. The raven pulled up just a little bit giving himself enough space to gently grasp the blondes lower lip with his teeth. He opened his eyes half way just as Naruto did, their faces were both warm as Sasuke tugged on the blondes bottom lip before releasing it. He could feel himself starting to feel aggressive in their sexual tension, which was, but also wasn't, a good thing.

Before Naruto could say anything Sasuke leaned back down and gently grabbed his bottom lip with his teeth once more before getting a very thin layer of skin between them and biting down. "N-Ngah!" Naruto called out from the sudden pain, it wasn't but seconds later before it started to bleed from the pinch of his teeth. "W-What the hell?" Naruto asked as he turned his head to the side attempting to wipe away the blood. Shivers shot down his back when he felt Sasuke lean down close to his ear and whisper. "No body else is allowed to touch you...understand?" His voice was erratic and for some reason was a massive turn on for the two of them. "Tch." Naruto scuffed, he attempted to say something in response but again was interrupted by another wicked move done by the raven.

Sasuke leaned down to his neck and got a hold of his skin with his teeth once more, but instead of causing a mark that would bleed like his lip, he began sucking on the sensitive skin. Naruto winced from the friction but nonetheless allowed the man to leave his markings. "Sa...suke..." He could barely manage to get his name out without stuttering.

This is bad. Naruto thought to himself as his eyes moved to the door that he knew all to well was unlocked and with the way things were going he wasn't sure if Sasuke had any plans on stopping. He moved a hand up and in between them and gently pushed trying to persuade Sasuke into lifting up, but his actions only resulted in Sasuke sucking harder on his neck causing a rather loud moan from the blondes lips. "A-Agh...~"

When Sasuke felt that there was a decent mark left behind he pulled up and looked down at it, "Good." He said before connecting his gaze with the blue eyes once more. "If your leaving the hospital before me then I need to leave my mark." He said before leaning down and giving Naruto another kiss.

Sasuke carelessly slid a hand under Naruto's shirt while in the middle of making out, caressing it with affection before reaching his nipple. He gently tugged and twisted causing the blonde to wince from pleasure. It wasn't long before Naruto broke off the kiss turning his head away once again. His breathing turned to panting and his manhood began to throb. It was too much for him to handle any longer and knowing their location he needed to stop him. "S-Stop." Sasuke grinned at the man's response. He knew better than to actually have sex in the hospital but the way Naruto was acting made it even more entertaining. "Hn." Was the simple response. He leaned down and gently pecked Naruto's cheek before leaning up from his position and sitting up on his knees.

"You should see yourself." Sasuke said as his grin turned into a smirk. Naruto's eyes shifted up at the man above him as embarrassment kicked in. "Don't make fun of me." He said as he reached down and adjusted his shorts that were clearly showing he was aroused. While adjusting himself he noticed that Sasuke was just as aroused as he was. " should see yourself." He mocked as he glanced back up at the black orbs. "Tch." In return Sasuke scuffed and began to move off the bed allowing the blonde to sit up.

Gold locks were fluffed up and out as if he had been tossing and turning in bed all day. But really it was just from their little session. "Sasuke?" Naruto asked as he watched him grab the towel off the bed and hang it over the chair near by. "Yeah?"

"Do you love me?" Naruto's question came out quicker than he had even thought it and before he knew it he quickly covered his mouth and looked down at his lap as if shocked he had the audacity to ask that at a time like this. "I—"

Sasuke was just about to respond to him before the door to the room opened and a nurse came in. She noticed Naruto sitting on the bed which was who she was looking for, but the way he had been postured and covering his mouth made her think they were in the middle of something, nonetheless she needed to get him back to his room so he could sign the discharge paperwork. "Mr. Uzumaki would you mind coming with me? The doctor would like to go over the discharge information with you." She said as her cheeks started to tint with red, feeling the second hand embarrassment and even her own embarrassment for walking in on such an obvious scene.

"Of course." Naruto said before quickly standing and walking towards the door, he was about to pass Sasuke before the raven grabbed his arm and yanked him gently. "Hey." Naruto stopped and looked at the man who was genuinely smiling at him.

"Text me... and stay out of trouble." Sasuke said trying to keep things short while the nurse was still present. "I will." Naruto responded before giving him his infamous smile Sasuke had been waiting for. When there hands parted there was a sting on the tip of Sasuke's middle finger, nothing to serious but enough to notice that it wasn't normal. He wondered if it had anything to do with Naruto but tried to shove off the idea.

Back in Naruto's room he sat at the end of his bed with his belongings behind him. Tsunade stood before him with a clipboard and a stack of paperwork with information pertaining to follow up appointments and aftercare from the hospital. She went on about what he needed to do to keep the wound clean and away from infection. He only nodded in response knowing that his wound had only looked like a scratch at this point. "Right."

"Oh...and one more thing Naruto." She said as she stopped midway to the door. Her eyes met his and there was a hint of seriousness in her voice. "Whatever it is you've got going on...keep it tamed." Her words confused the nurse standing beside her but Naruto understood exactly what she meant. He wondered if she had asked Jiraiya about the healing process, which in return he was certain the long haired man would tell her. Instead of questioning he only nodded in response. "Take care of yourself...Naruto." Was her last words before she left the room leaving him to gather his things and leave. His phone buzzed and he quickly read the message.

8:23PM—Iruka: I'm down stairs waiting at the pick up spot.

8:24PM—Naruto: Just signed my release form, I'll be down in a minute.

He quickly slid his phone back into his pocket and opened the door to the room, he looked back and glanced over the space he occupied for a week and smiled to himself that he was free to leave. He stepped out and closed the door and began walking. It wasn't until he was about to pass Sasuke's room that he stopped and glanced at the door. All he wanted to do was go back in there and tell him how much he loves him, but after the small awkward situation they had the moment before the nurse walked in he was concerned of the answer Sasuke was going to give him.

It amazed him how vulnerable he became when it came down to Sasuke, that vulnerability told him more than he needed to know that he loves him. And with that he continued to walk towards the elevators.

What he didn't know was Sasuke was waiting patiently in his room for him to return once more before departing from the hospital, after he saw a shadow stop in front of his door his heart skipped a beat. When the shadow continued to move away his heart started to hurt. The distance between them the further the blonde walked away the more his heart ached. He wished that idiot would turn around and come back, but the hope drifted the moment he got to the hospital window and looked down. He saw Naruto getting into a car with the door open that was being held by an older man with brown hair.

The concept of Naruto getting into another vehicle after the accident gave him the slightest bit of anxiety which in this case was the same for Naruto. It wasn't something taken easily and of course would be hard getting used to once again like before. A new fear that would be broken for both of them.


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