Chapter 80: Growing Struggle

Start from the beginning

Super looked down at me and got mad. She ran right at me and was about to hit me. I looked down and noticed that I landed next to Jester's body. I picked it up and held it out in front of me, making Super stop.

Imperium: You'll attack me, but not the corpse of your fallen ally? Seems like you really like to beat your kid.

I looked at Jester's body and I felt something starting to shake. I saw the clown head spring out of his back, hitting my face. I dropped Jester as I stumbled back. I noticed the clown head as a hole in his forehead.

Jester: Thank you C... For taking that lethal attack for me...

So when I shot through his heart, I actually just shot the clown head? I was about to finish the job, but Super went behind me and put me in a head lock.

Jester: Remember what I told you?... Disappearing acts are child's play for me...

Imperium: What is the meaning of-AAAGUHH!

I felt a strong strike hit my chest, making me gasp out blood. I looked forward and saw an old man with a long grey beard and a hole in his chest.

Martial: All I need is one strike to the chest... For my Power to activate... Your body will start to shut down and from there, we will stop this madness.

I felt my blood start to boil as I started to scream out as loud as I can. A massive blast of red energy came out of my body, blowing back everyone.

Fox: Kane! Redirect the energy now!

Kane: You don't think I'm trying that?!

The energy started to turn purple, but quickly went back to red.

Kane: Shit! It's too strong!

I stopped screaming as I used all the energy I released to bind everyone in place, making them unable to move. I flew up and looked down at everyone.

Imperium: You think you all can put me down and look down upon me?! Fools! All of you! I will be above all! You all will have to look up at me!

I went in front of Jester and the old man in an instant. I put my hand in front of them.

Imperium: Don't bother saving me that spot in the next life.

I made a huge blast come out of my hand, vaporizing the two completely. I looked back to see everyone else and they look shocked as they finally realized what they are up against.

Imperium: I've had my fun with you all, but I think it's time for this game to be over.

I started to walk up to Super. I pointed my hand at her and let out a small chuckle.

Imperium: Do you see what happens when I actually try? There is nothing you can do. I am doing you a favor. The last face you will ever see will be of your son.

I felt something stab into my back. I looked back and saw a knife made out of blood in my back. Was that made with the blood I spat out earlier from that old man's attack? I looked over at the children and directly at Ashley.

Imperium: You.

I slowly walked over to her. Even with her completely bounded by my energy, she can still attack thanks to that damn Power of hers. I got right in front of her and put my hand on her shoulder.

Imperium: What makes you still think you can stop me?

Ashley: Because... (Y/N) wouldn't stop at anything. I'll make sure you are stopped, since he would do the same thing.

Imperium: Hahaha. You are such a cute girl. (Y/N) doesn't exist anymore. He's trapped in my Power. The moment he was born, his fate was sealed. There isn't a thing you can do about it.

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