The Immortal Legion

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for Aaliyah.

{Opening song}



-The Immortal Legion/Combined Strength

The mannequins fell off their pedestal and wandered to life. Now on all fours, they were moaning and groaning tiredly. The man and the doctor stared in shock. The doctor was just shocked, nothing more or less. As the man, he had an ear-to-ear grin on his face. They all stood up and looked at the two with their only eye on their forehead. The soldier laughed and turned his head back to the doctor. "So you said that the tests aren't done yet! Look at this! I say it's a success! Undying, obedient, and unstoppable soldiers! They will fight whoever we order them to! We have our Immortal Legion!"

"Pa-pa?" One of them stuttered helplessly. The soldier laughed and extended his arms as if he was going to hug these creatures. "Indeed! Yes! I am your father! Now, I want you to listen close." He ordered as one of the mannequins walked forward slowly. "There are rebels, and they want to take us over! You men have a job to do!" The man was stopped and the one that walked towards him was a bit into his neck. He fell over making the rest of the alive and blind soldiers jump up and start to chomp on him. Blood was caked from their chin to the tip of the nose and the doctor backed up and watched in horror. They ate and ate endlessly, until... The creatures stopped and looked up at him. He pulled out a gun and started to shoot at them, forgetting that guns did not affect them. These bullets just stuck into them and more came until he ran out. The doctor was crying as they crept closer and closer to him. Then finally they started to feast again.

Aaliyah's POV

We found the white room where we saw an alchemy-made wall in the center of the room, burnt seeds nearby, human bones, and pieces of armor in a pile. Above all, there was a large door towering across the room. My eyes narrowed and my chin lowered slightly with my eyes turning into a glare. "That's quite a door way." Darius sighed looking up to this massive door. "The air here seems foul. You two are sure this is it?" I nodded and walked to the door feeling it under my fingers.

"Yeah, it matches the description Al gave me perfectly." Jerso looked down at the armor and the pile of bones. "Who was this?" "Number 66, Barry the Chopper." Ed answered looking down at the armor. "He was one of the guardians of the 5th Laboratory." I swept my fingertips along the creak of the door with intensity. Then I tried my best to dig my fingers between the doors and pull on them. Not even a single movement. Ed turned to me and rose an eyebrow. "Um... Ally? Do you need any help?"

I shook my head and continued to pull. "Nah, I got this." Sadly, it was harder than it looked. Before anyone could speak I hushed them loudly. "No! I don't need any help whatsoever!" "Stand back." Scar ordered walking forward. Luckily I finally managed to get the door open. I sighed with pride and smirked. "Yeah! I got it!" I cheered. My accomplishment soon died off as I saw a sea of white. And it was MOVING!?! White human-like creatures ran past the open door making my eyes widen. "Aaliyah! Look out!" Ed called out now pulling me back to him by my hood.

The white soldiers kept on charging at me making my fist instantly rise to its face. This process continued countless amount of times. I threw my head to see another walking towards me. It shrieked and lunged at me. Before it could hit me it was punched in the cheek sending it flying to the other side. I turned my head in that direction and saw Ed glaring at the creatures surrounding us. "You okay Aaliyah?"

"I'm doing pretty well, thanks for asking. I'm not hurt." I answered with a firm nod. A soldier started to sneak up behind Ed making me snap out of my conservation and punch the creature away. "Sorry about that."We slowly gathered up and Ed and I stood back to back glaring at the monsters. "So they don't die!" Scar pointed out harshly. All the voices jumbled into my head not even wanting to stop at all. But there was one that made me feel a sense of closure. One in front of me stood up tall and had a smile.

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