Eye of Heaven, Gateway of Earth

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for Aaliyah.

-Lost Light/Eye of Heaven, Gateway of Earth-

{Opening song}


No POV    

There were blue sparks and a heard a male voice yell. The body was reconstructed into the form of Ed.  He then fell to the ground making me run to him. Ed rubbed the back of his neck in pain and then we heard a loud 'oof'. Before he could get an answer he turned to the noise. There was a woman with black braided hair, fair skin, a tattoo on her shoulder/chest area, and dark eyes. She groaned and rubbed the back of her head. "Teacher!"  She looked over and saw the confusion sweep onto her features. "Ed?" "Are you alright? What are you doing here?""I'd like to know the same thing..." She muttered rubbing the back of her neck in pain.

 Suddenly more sparks appeared and then a loud thud echoed across the room. All three of us turned to this and saw the silver-haired girl. Ed's eyes went wide and then ran over to her. "Athena!" He gasped now holding her in his arms. The red-haired girl of mine just lay there not even opening her eyes. Ed's eyes went wide and he felt for a pulse. "She's still alive..." He called out to himself now stroking her cheek. "Come on Aaliyah... Wake up..." He whispered resting his head against her forehead and kissing her lips every once and a while.

"Now, can you tell me what this place is?" She asked with slight annoyance in her voice. "We're in that beard bastard's hideout." Ed answered. The sound of sparks appeared again making my head perk upwards. An armor started to fall out of the sky and land right behind Ed and Aaliyah. The boy's face paled and he snapped his eyes to his brother. He called out for him. "Al... Al snapped out of it!"Izumi stared from behind in shock. "Al too? Are the sacrifices being gathered together?" Suddenly a loud boom was heard. Izumi and Ed looked over and gasped. There was the flask in a black form, with Hohenheim's face, leg, and arm sticking out. Now, this was a sight to see.

 "One... Two... Three... Four of you are here. That still leaves us with one short." The twisted creature muttered. Of course, it makes sense.Hohenheim, Izumi, Ed, Al, and Ally. With Ed and Ally counting as one full sacrifice. He could use Aaliyah as a sacrifice right now but he'll use those two together to make the transmutation stronger. "I wonder... Huh, maybe the fifth one is being made as we speak..."The woman took a step back and glared at the creature in disgust. "What the hell is that thing? It's a monster!" "Hohenheim!" Ed exclaimed now standing up and still holding Aaliyah. Hohenheim cringed and then finally opened up his golden eyes.

 "Edward...And it would seem he has Aaliyah and Alphonse... Ah, and Izumi Curtis... Please excuse my sorry appearance." Izumi gave the man a serious look without even moving an inch away from her spot. "What's going on here?" From what was sticking out of the creature it started to twitch in pain. However, Hohenheim's unspoken words were cut off by the abomination of god. "Now be mindful of your place, I plan to take your Philosopher Stoneto my favor but I'll do it sooner if you prefer to do it that way." He taughtened. "Hohenheim! What's that hideous thing!?" Ed questioned while glaring at the beast. 

 "Well... He's a clone of me... You might know him better as the homunculi known as Father."Ed gasped now remembering the first time he was him. Yeah, now that was the last time I saw Athena for a while. "Yous saying that this is that bearded Bastard?!""Yes, that's right... I destroyed the leather bag he was in but-" He was then cut off sinking into the black skin his golden hair being the last of him we saw.

"Quiet, I warned you about keeping your mouth closed. Now, greetings to the four of you. My pretty sacrifices. Welcome to my castle and make yourself at home." The thing greeted me in a friendly tone. Ed grabbed onto Aaliyah and held her close to him with a glare on his face. Ed glared at Father darkly. "Al, it's time to get up! Things aren't looking too good for us." He muttered but got no response. His shoulders relaxed and then he turned back to him in shock. "Hey, Al! Al? Get up. Alphonse!" 

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