Those who lurk Underground

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for Aaliyah.

{Opening song}

No one's POV:


Mustang walked down the hallway of the Central Command Center. Officers smiled and whispered as he passed. Mustang smirked as he knocked on the door to the Fuhrer's office. He walked and stepped in front of the woman's desk. "Hello," he said to her. "Colonel Roy Mustang...I'm sorry Colonel, but your transfer was poorly timed. His Excellency, the Fuhrer, is away." "Where is he?" "Inspecting at Southern Headquarters..." "He's in the south


Dolcetto and Roa continued to run with Al as Dolcetto suddenly stopped. He smelled the air as he said, "Something doesn't smell right..." "You know what it feels like...old times..."

*In Front of Devil's Nest*

"What an interesting discovery for a routine inspection..." Bradley trailed off as Armstrong and his men stood behind him, armed and ready. "Move in!"

Chapter 14: Those who lurk Underground

Izumi, Ed, and Aaliyah all now had fighting stances in front of Greed. "Ha! A housewife, a hot-headed brat, and a hottie; what a team, one I'm not particularly interested in fighting. I'll just be on my way now." "What?" Ed said as Greed ran. "Coward..." Izumi then coughed up blood. "Teacher!" Ed and Aliyah ran to her side. "He ran pathetic..." "Are you okay, Teacher?" Ed asked as she coughed up more, hanging her head. "Teacher!" Aaliyah shouted as Ed finished, "Just hang on!" Two soldiers then appeared in front of the door, aiming their guns.


No One's POV:

Al tried to get control of his body but failed. "Will you hold still?! Quit struggling!" Martel said, struggling inside to keep Al put. "I don't wanna!" Al said, crawling slowly on the ground. Martel gasped. "Greed!" she said, coming partially out of Al and lifting his head like a lid. "Ah Martel, I'm glad to see you're safe." "What's going on up there? No one else has made it back yet." "Eeyeah, things have gotten a little outta hand so we need to figure a way outta here." Greed scratched his head. "I can't let ya do that." Martel got back into Al's armor as Bradley appeared. "Just what do you want, old man?" Greed asked. "It's the Fuhrer," Al said, looking at the muscular man with two swords in his hands while four hung sheathed behind him. "What's he doing here?"

"King Bradley?" Martel spat. "Huh? What's the most powerful man in the land doing down here?" Greed asked. "Not that you'd know, but growing old isn't easy." "Huh?" "This year marks my sixth birthday. It's frustrating how your body stops moving the way you want it to. So I'd like to finish this job as quickly as possible and return home." Bradley smiled as he walked toward us. Greed snickered. "I've got an idea. He covers his hand with his Ultimate Shield. "Retire."

Bradley swung and thrust his swords at Greed'd body, cutting across his eye, torso, and legs. He kicked Greed into the wall. "Greed!" Martel shouted. "Shh!" Al said to her.

*In Devil's Nest*

No one's POV:

Roa slammed his mallet at Armstrong, who met that with his fist and used alchemy to change the weapon part into an Armstrong figurine. "Behold! You have just had the rare pleasure of witnessing the famous Armstrong statuary technic." Roa threw aside his hammer and readied his fists. He ripped off his outer shirt. "Well then, I guess my ordinary methods aren't gonna work..." he removed his jacket to reveal under armor and gained horns in his head. "Hm, well that's peculiar..." Armstrong trailed off as Roa tried to punch him. Armstrong ducked, causing Roa to hit the wall. Armstrong then punched Roa repeatedly.

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