Footsteps of a Comrade-in-arms

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for Aaliyah.

Aaliyah's POV

"That was so exhausting! They were watching us the whole time, too.." Ed jumbles out as he stretches.

"Being spied on can do that." Al says cheerfully, Ed nods.

"Hey! Where's the young master!? " Fu asks appearing out of nowhere; we all look around and shake our heads.

"Beats me, we haven't seen him." Ed mutters in annoyance, and both Lan Fan and Fu slink down in embarrassment.

"I can't take my eyes off him for a second..." Fu huffs.

"Good riddance..." Ed sighs. "Let's go."

"Coming..." Al, Winry, and I come running behind us, we begin walking towards the central military offices.

"We better check in with the military offices first." Ed says bored, Al nods.

"I think I'll go straight to the Hughes's, I can't wait to see little Elicia and Miss Gracia." Winry smiles, I bite my lip to keep from saying anything.

"Mmk, we'll be there real soon anyway." Ed smiles, Winry smiles and runs off.

"We should really go see the Lieutenant Colonel; we have a lot to tell him." Al says quietly, Ed nods.

"We have to tell him about the homunculus." Ed trails off; I taste the blood from biting my lip to hard. I have half-crescent marks in the palm of my hand from how tightly my fists were curled up.

Chapter 16: Footsteps of a Comrade-in-arms

"I think his office is this way! Come on Al, Aaliyah!" Ed smiles at me, I let them run ahead of me as I walk behind them. I watch as they run straight pass the phone booth but I freeze in front of it.

"Aaliyah?" Al asks softly looking at me, I just stare at the phone booth. As I walk towards it, I can feel the dread filling my body, and my hand stops on the handle.

"What's wrong?" Ed whispers into my ear behind me, I blink back my tears and turn around shutting the door.

"Let's just go..."

"But Aaliyah." Ed says softly.

"Just go." I snap walking away; Ed looks a little taken a back but walks beside me.

When we get inside I see Hawkeye right away, and so does Ed.

"Wait a minute if Hawkeye is here that means the..." Then Colonel Mustang appears.

"Thanks for waiting..." He grumbles then sees Ed. "Hello there Fullmetal, Blue Flame." Ed looks extremely annoyed.

"Colonel Mustang.... What are you doing here?" He grumbles.

"Didn't you hear? I was transferred to central a while ago." The Colonel smiles, and Ed fights back making a snide comment.

"Ohh great..." Al smiles at Ed.

"We're here to see the Colonel; I was transferred to Central effective last month.." He chirps, and I see the Lieutenant's eyes soften in sadness.

"He's not here; He retired to the country and took his wife and daughter with him to take over the family business.; so he's not here." Mustang says strongly.

As we all were told with discouraged looks. "Bummer, I was hoping to see him." I said.

As the colonel turned around and stopped, "Fullmetal and Blue Flame..." as we looked at him with confusion. "Watch yourselves. don't do anything crazy..." as he said then walked away.

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