Struggle of the Fool

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for Aaliyah.

*No one's POV*

Envy lead Al, Aaliyah and Ed through the passage way, soon appearing in front of an elevator. "Hey, where are you taking us?" ed asked as Envy pressed the button. "Just get in," Envy replied as the doors opened. They followed him in as the doors closed. Aaliyah gripped Ed's hand tighter as the elevator started to move upward. As they finally stopped moving, Envy changed his appearance. The doors opened as they all stepped out. "This look like..." Aaliyah trailed off as Al finished, "It's Central Command! We were right below it..." "Hey! You guys are plastered with filth."

*Central Command/Showers*

Envy handed the two a pair of clothes and walked them over to the shower saying, "Go ahead in." Ed and Al walked in as Aaliyah stood there awkwardly. Envy turned to her as he asked, "Are you hard of hearing? I said go in." "You want me to take a shower with those two in there?" "Is that a problem?" "Of course it is! I'm a girl and they're guys!" Aaliyah angrily stated. "I don't care! This is the easiest way to watch over you all at the same time!" Envy stated, pushing her into the room. When he got her in, he quickly locked the door.

"Uh..." Aaliyah railed off as Ed and Al glanced at her. "Would you like me to shield you from brother?" Al suggested as Ed shouted, "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" "I didn't mean anything by it!" Al reassured. "Yeah, no looking Edward!" Aaliyah said to him while in the shower washing her hair.


"So, they've been here the whole time...just below us.." Al stated as Ed said, "So that means not just the Fuhrer but the whole Military could be involved..." After a few more minutes, Ed and Aaliyah shut their water of any stepped out. Without looking, Al handed her a towel. "Thanks Al." She stated as Ed said, "There is some good news... I saw your body." "You saw it?! My body is still there?!" Al asked shocked.

Ed then fixed his antenna (strand of hair that stick up) and said, "Now we're just one step closer to getting your body back, Al." Ed turned to face Al, only to make an irritated face at what he saw. "Al, what's that little cat doing here?" "Well, you know that little girl...?" Al started as Ed shouted, "Are you serious?! She's in your armor?!" "Brother! Stop yelling! And while you're at it, would ya put on some pants!" "What's the hold up?!" Envy shouted as Aaliyah quickly hid behind Al. Envy walked in but stopped shortly after seeing Ed, who was very well facing Envy. "AH!!"

Al decided to wait outside with Envy as Ed and Aaliyah finished getting dressed. Aaliyah occasionally would find herself looking into the mirror set in front of them, spying on him. What can she say? It's Edward Elric getting dress. who wouldn't look? She looked away and began to button her shirt as a pair of arms wrapped around her. "I have to say, it's been a long time since I've seen you wear a skirt?" Ed stated as she blushed and said, "What are you getting at?" "Nothing...just wanted to say how much sexier it makes you look." Aaliyah blushed more as Ed chuckled. "I guess this makes us even..." "What are you talking about?" Aaliyah asked confused as Ed said,

"Did you know you have a pretty hot body as well?" "You saw me naked?!" Aaliyah exclaimed as Ed said, "What's the big deal? If I'm not mistaken, I saw you glancing at me from the mirror.." Aaliyah began to blush again. "You don't have to be embarrassed." Ed chuckled as he slowly buttoned up her shirt for her. Ed then brought his lips to rest against her neck as he began to suck and bite. "E-Ed..." Aaliyah was going to say something but went silent Edward started his attack. "Hurry it up in there!" Envy shouted as he banged on the door, afraid to go in. 'Damn Envy..' Ed thought as he let Aaliyah go. "I-I guess we'd better get going..." Aaliyah stated as Ed looked at her neck to find the dark mark he left. He grinned as he said, "Yeah, let's go."

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