The Promised Day

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for Aaliyah.

{Opening song}



~Fuhrer's House/Night~ 

Greed slammed his shield-covered left hand against Bradley's sword that shield him. The two were struggling against each other, trying not to give in. "Darling!" Mrs. Bradley called from her spot. "You and Selim stay back!" Bradley commanded. "Well...maybe you can explain this, Wrath...what the hell is happening to me?! Why am I seeing these things?! They keep clawing at the insides of my head...and why are you there? Why are you there Bradley?! Tell me!" Nearby, Pride glared at Greed, preparing his shadows. "Emissive're a packrat clinging to garbage. Quit clinging to the past!" Mrs. Bradley took a step back, knocking a cup of tea down to the floor. Greed glanced over, only to have Bradley use that as a chance to free his sword. As he went to swing, Greed dodged, flipping over him and landing on the fireplace. Before Greed could make another move, Bradley had already charged at him, attacking with a sword in hand. He continuously stabbed at him, Greed continuing to dodge. 

Greed got away, causing Bradley to resort to throwing his swords around. After grabbing his sword from the wall, he slashed at Greed once more, causing him to back into the wall near the stairs. Once again, Bradley tried to attack, only to have Greed kick the sword from his hand. Bradley simply grabbed him with his hands and threw him at the coffee table, grabbing his swordagain and charging. Bradley stepped on both of Greed's hands as he swung at his neck. Before it could hit, Greed covered his neck with his ultimate shield, breaking Bradley's sword. Greed decided to take this chance and jumped out the window. "Fuhrer Bradley!" Bradley looked from the window to the man in the door. "Mrs. Bradley! Are you and Selim alright?!" "Y-Yes..." "I'm terribly sorry sir! He overpowered the security patrol!" Bradley picked up the piece to his broken sword saying, "I can see why...he came close to over powering me." "Oh my..." the man stated. Selim furrowed his brows, calling his shadows back. 

~Next Day/Armstrong Manor~ 

"Father, I demand you retire." Olivier stated from the other side of the table. "Oh's been years since we last seen each other and that's all you have to say to me?" Olivier's Father asked. "I'll head the family from now on. You should spend your final daughtering years in comfort." "I appreciate your concern but I plan to make Alex my successor." "You mean thatsniveling jellyfish? Leave the family affairs to me. Why not take a family vacation to a foreign land? Alex as the head...would you truly be able to relax?" A knock brought everyone's gazes to the door as Alex stepped in. "Olivier? I didn't know youplanned to visit..." Alex stated as his Father stood and said, "Alex! Perfect timing!" "Oh?" Alex asked confused. "Gauge your sister in combat." Alex's eyes widened. "The victor shall earn my title as head of the family. Do you find this acceptable, Olivier?" Olivier stood up as she said, "Yes, I'd have it no other way." She unsheathed her sword and glanced to Alex as their Father continued. "Olivier insisted I retire and take a vacation to a foreign land.

 "She what?!" Alex then turned to face Olivier with a glare as he angrily stated, "How could you treat Father with such insolence?! For shame!" He then ripped his shirt off and threw it into the air. "You've given me no choice!" Armstrong pointed his gauntlets at Olivier as he said, "Know this, I'll use everyounce of my body and soul to fight you." Olivier readied her sword as she said, "Don't patronize me Alex! Your bloated musclesare worthless without a spine!" The two then began to fight. "So, are you two ready?" Mr. Armstrong asked his wife and daughter as the two nodded their heads. His wife walked over to the safe, taking all their savings as he asked, "So where shall we vacate to?" "Well, I'm intrigued to see what Xing is like...I've heard they have delicious cuisine." his wife stated. "Then Xing it is." He then turned to face his daughter and asked, "Fine with you, Catherine?" "Sure, sounds exciting." She stated with a nod. 

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