Father Before the Grave

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for Aaliyah.

Aaliyah's POV

"There you are, Edward Elric and Aaliyah Martin!" Shout from the Major. " It's time to be heading back to Resembool."

"Yea, yea. We're coming already." Ed huffs and climbs into the wagon.

"Up you go, Aaliyah." Armstrong smiles and lifts me into the wagon.

"Thank you, Major." I smiled sitting next to Ed.

"What happens now, Aaliyah." Ed mutters resting his head on mine.


"We'll see you both very soon I hope?" Lieutenant smirks as he waves.

"Take care of yourself!" Armstrong booms and waves along.

"Bye!" Ed and I both shout at the same time as we walk away.

"I hope you don't mind coming with me to my mother's grave" Ed says quietly, I shake my head and smile.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Which flowers should I bring her?" Ed mutters more to himself as we look at flower cart.

"How bout these?" I smile as I pick up the bouquet of lilies, Ed smiles and nods.

As we approach the cemetery Ed freezes, he grip around my hand tightens.

"No it can't be... can it?.." Ed mutter wide eyed, I look at the taller blond man and watch him turn.

" Hohenheim..." Ed gasp breathlessly.

"Hello Edward, it seems you've grown some." Hohenheim looks from Edward than to me in curiosity, but I'm more focused on the buried hatred in Ed's eyes. " I spoke to Pinako, she told me you two tried human transmutation."

"What makes you think you can just show up like this." Ed snarls as he looks away. "Theres nothing here for you anymore!" he snaps at him, Hohenheim looks up to charcoaled remains of his home on the hill.

"I can see that." He says cooly. "Tell me Edward, what possessed you to burn down my home?" Hohenheim looks down at Ed giving him a blank stare, Ed looks down at his toes.

"After what happen, we promise we'd never go back, it was symbol of our resolve..." Ed begins before he is cut off.

"No you didn't, you did it to hide the memory." Hohenheim bores his eyes into Ed's, Ed just looks up wide eye. " Just like a child who hides the sheets after he wets the bed, you ran away and you know it." He says in cold severity, I grab Ed's hand.

"Come on Ed... Let's go.." I gently tug him back, he just keeps trying to burn a hole through Hohenheim's head.

" You make me sick." Ed says icily. " To my stomach." He spits and turns taking me with him.

-Father Before the Grave-

"I hate that asshole. how dare he come back here and act like he is better than me, that bastard thinks he has the right to judge me!" Ed shouts to air, I give a half smile.

"It's ok Ed, he cares for you more than you know; but even in the end you will not let him help you." I sigh, he stops walking and stares at me.

"What could he ever offer to help me?" He snarls at the thought, sometime I wish he wasn't so stubborn...

"The same thing I can." I whisper and start walking again.

"Which is another thing, how could you be anything like that bastard?!" Ed huffs, I roll my eyes and jump onto him back. It catches him by surprise and he laughs.

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