The next day

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Nightmare’s POV:

I blinked my eye as I woke up. I slowly sat up in bed and yawned quitely to not wake Error, who was still asleep. I always found it weird how long Error could sleep, reminds me of Dust since he never comes down until the afternoon. I've tried to wake him sooner, but he gets so grumpy and whiney which is fucking annoying. He's also a heavy sleeper so it got even more annoying to try and wake him. I have notice Horror has taken a liking to Dust, don't know how long that's been going on for, and Dust doesn't seem to even notice. It is amusing to watch though. I sighed softly and slowly got out of the bed. I put on my shorts since I slept in my boxers like I usually do along with my black t-shirt. I kissed Error's forehead and quitely walked out of the room then shut the door. I yawned again, but a little louder since I was out of the bedroom. I headed downstairs to the kitchen to see if Horror was awake yet, because it's his job to make breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I got down to the kitchen and didn't see Horror or breakfast. I growled in annoyance and teleported to Horror's room; I was too lazy to walk. I glared at Horror, seeing he was still asleep. I walked over to him and grabbed him by the ankle with my tendril and pulled him out of bed. I held him up and stared at him as he woke up abruptly.

"What the hell was that for?!" Horror looked at me confused, obviously clueless.
"When you got that crack in your skull, did you lose your brain!?! You're supposed to be making breakfast you imbecile!!!" I roared at him. Horror squited his eyes when I yelled. I sighed and let him off with a warning since I was too tired to punish him. I let him go and he fell onto the bed. I then started to walk to the door as I spoke, "Just go make breakfast before I drag you downstairs myself." I teleported back downstairs in the livingroom and sat in my recliner chair as I waited for Horror to get his head out of his ass.

Horror's POV:

I sighed as Nightmare left and sat up properly in my bed. I then yawned and got out of bed and got dressed. I rubbed my eyes and walked out of my room, then looked next to me and saw Dust. I smiled and walked over to him,

"Morning, did Nightmare wake you up with all his yelling?"

"Yes..." Dust grumbled with his morning voice, which I found kinda hot...'WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME!? Why does he make me feel this way?' I snapped out of it as Dust talked,
"I wish I was still sleeping, but I'm hungry so I can't. Is that what Boss woke you up for? To make breakfast?"
"Ugh, yes. As if he can't cook anything himself." I groaned. Dust chuckled and patted my back.
"Sorry, but he gave you that job and you know you like it. It's like a hobby for you. Which is weird since my hobby is eating your food." He smirked which made me blush slightly, then I faked a chuckle to make him think I was listening, when I was really just staring at him.
"Very funny, guess that means you won't help me?"
"Pft- No. Cooking if your job not mine. You can suffer alone." Dust laughed then walked farther ahead and went downstairs.

I sighed and teleported to the kitchen to see if he was there, which he was. Dust was sitting at the kitchen island like yesterday, waiting for food. I flipped him off as I pouted at him for leaving me. I then huffed as Dust flipped me off back. I rolled my eyes and started to make omelets for everyone, including our new guest, Dream.

No one's POV:

After breakfast had been made, Horror called everyone down. Nightmare waited for Error, who came downstairs slowly. Cross dragged Killer downstairs, like he did last night to bring him to bed. And Dream came downstairs after a while, still clearly upset with tears stains on his boney cheeks. It didn't take long for everyone to finish, Horror's eggs and omelets were everyone's favorite. Dream made his way to the livingroom and sat down on the couch and hugged his knees. Everyone made their own way to the livingroom. Dust and Horror sat on the couch together (shocker), while Killer went back to his room to sleep, and Cross sat on the other end of the couch. Nightmare walked over to Dream and rolled his eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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