The chill day

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Dream's POV:

I woke up the next day and rolled over to hug Ink, then opened my eyes when I saw he wasn't there. "Maybe he's making breakfast." I thought. I yawned and slowly got out of bed, and changed into some clean clothes. I then made my way to the kitchen, and looked around for Ink. He was nowhere to be seen, so I figured he went to check on his AUs in the Doodlesphere. I shrug and start to make myself some eggs and bacon, and some for Ink when he got back.

After I finished cooking, I go and sit down at the table and eat. Not long after, I watched as Ink came into the house through a portal. I smiled at him and waved as I couldn't talk with food in my mouth since it was rude. He smiled back at me and waved as well.

"I made breakfast for both of us, so there is some left in there for ya!" I said happily after I swallowed.
"Oh, thanks babe." Ink happily walked to the kitchen and grabbed his portion then came and sat next to me to eat. I smiled happily as I watched him enjoy the food I made.

After we had finished eating. I wanted to visit my AU to say good morning to the people, like I usually do once a week. I said goodbye to Ink with a hug and kiss, then left to my AU and couldn't wait to see Ink already when I get back.

Horror's POV:

I woke up early because of Dust's usual nightmares, which sucks since his room is right next to mine and his bed is on the other side of my wall so I can hear all his tossing and turning. I don't know why he doesn't just come to my room, I've told him he could multiple times, but he insists he's fine. What a liar. I groan a bit in frustration and get out if bed, then teleport downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast since it was basically my job. I sigh and think of what to make then shrug and grab the waffle maker from under a bottom cabinet and plugged it in. I looked for the batter mix and put it on the counter top, then teleported the other ingredients to the counter top since I was tired still and a bit lazy. I sighed as I started to mix the stuff in a big glass bowl then waited for the waffle maker to heat up.

I hummed a bit as I waited, then turned around to lean against the counter and jumped when I saw Dust sitting at the kitchen island with his hesd down. I groan then walk over to him and flick his head.

"Hey, idiot. You done your night tantrums? It's f#cking annoying to listen to you all night when I'm trying to sleep too." I waited for a response, but didn't get one. I could tell he was awake since his finger was tapping against the island counter. I felt a bit awkward since I figured I made him upset. I sighed and just patted his back a bit.
"You uh, want some waffles?" I waited for a response then I smiled a little as he nodded slowly.

I walked over to the waffle maker and saw it was ready, then I poured the mixture into it and pressed it down for a bit before lifting it back up and plating the two waffles that were made. I grabbed the maple syrup and poured it on the waffles into the shape of a smile, though it looked f#cked up since the syrup spread out. I shrugged and put a little bit of whipped cream on top then a few strawberries as well, trying to make Dust feel better though I don't why I cared.

I brought the plate of waffles over to him and placed it down in front of him then tapped his skull. I watched as his head went up a bit and he looked at the waffles then smiled a little, which made me feel proud that my strategy worked in making him feel better. I walked back to the counter where the waffle maker was and started to make more for the rest of the gang.

Dust's POV:

I couldn't help, but feel better after what Horror did, especially since it was delicious. After I finished my waffles, I got up and brought my plate to the sink. When I went to the sink next to Horror, I didn't realize I accidentally scared him until he jumped, which of course made me laugh.

Horror's POV:

Hearing Dust's laugh made my face feel hot, as blush crept onto my cheeks. He never really laughed much unless it was an insane laugh from when we go on missions. I couldn't believe I was doing this, but I couldn't stop seeing Dust as cute at the moment. I snapped out of it when I heard Dust talk though.

"You good? You've been staring at me like you're gonna eat me or look into my soul." I didn't realize I was staring so I looked away quickly.
"Try walking louder or something next time so I can hear you." I replied. I tried to avoid looking at him and continued making the waffles.
"Well, to be honest, I didn't think you were gonna jump like that. I didn't do it on purpose! That's just how I walk." He had a point. Dust was always the quietest one for some reason. It was weird, but good for missions, especially stealth ones. I could hear Dust laugh again which made my blush rise again. I groan in my thoughts as I looked away more and tried to continue on the waffles.
"I can't argue with that, but I'm still gonna blame you because it's easier." I didn't have to look at Dust to know he rolled his eyes at me.
"You have fun doing that, I'm gonna watch some stuff on the TV. You're welcome to join me when you're done. I'm gonna see if any good movies are on." I looked at where he was as he had teleported to the couch in the room behind me.

No one's POV:

The livingroom was right across from the kitchen. There was a long, gray, L shaped couch for the gang to sit on, then a black recliner for Nightmare. There was a dark brown coffee table in the middle, it had a few magazines and cup costers. The L couch faced the tv, while the recliner was on the side with the back of it facing the kitchen. The tv wasn't exactly visible from the kitchen. There was also a dark brown bookshelf, to match the coffee table, in the corner near the tv. (I also realized I've never described anything in this story before... guess there's a first for everything)

Horror's POV:

I had finished making a bunch of waffles for the rest of the gang, and ate my own while the others cooked. I decided to take Dust's invitation to watch some movies, and I walked over to the livingroom and sat down next to him. We sat there for a few hours, just talking, joking around, and watching movies. Throughout this, the rest of the gang had gotten up and grabbed their breakfast. Some of them joined us and watched the movie as well, inuding Error and Nightmare who were cuddling on the recliner. The day continued, I made lunch, which everyone ate, and we had a chill time for the rest of the day. Well... that was until a knock came from the door. Once Nightmare got up and answered it, we were all surprised on who it was.....

BOOM!! Bet you guys weren't expecting 2 chapters!!

When I said I had inspiration, I ment it. I have so many new ideas!! After this chapter is published, I'm immediately starting the next one again! I hope enjoy this chapter and the others yet to come! ❤️

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