Love Betrayal pt 2: Dream's heartbreak

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Dream's POV:

After a long day of relaxing with the people of my AU, I decided to go home. Plus, it was getting late as well. I made a portal to Ink's front door and went in excitedly, as I couldn't wait to tell him about my day, and hear about his day also. I hurried into the house and happily made my way to Ink, who I could tell was in the bedroom since I heard noises coming from there. As I got closer to the bedroom, the sounds started to get weird....Until . . . I got closer.

I soon recognized the sounds Ink was making and became horrified. I didn't want to look in the room as I knew what Ink was doing, and I was too scared to see if it was true. I tried to be brave, hoping I was wrong, and opened the door so I could see Ink. My eyes immediately swelled with tears as I saw Ink with this weird Sans I had never seem before. They had checker patterned fingers, and a multi-colored body. All I knew is that this Sans looked exotic and new.

I tried to catch my breath as I couldn't breathe correctly and couldn't stop crying. All of a sudden, I made eye contact with Ink and his face didn't even change. Not even a shocked face. Then, he smirked at me. He smirked at me and continued to have sex....with this strange Sans. I was mortified. I made a portal behind me and slowly walked backwards into it then closed it immediately.

I didn't see where I portaled to because I didn't care, I just wanted to get away from Ink. I sat down, on what looked like the ground, and slowly burst into tears. What made it worse it that it started to rain. Just my luck I guess. I couldn't find myself to stop crying, even after the rain started to fall. My clothes started to get wet, but I didn't care. I decided to look around, since I didn't actually know what AU I portaled to. I looked behind me and saw what looked like a mansion... my brother's mansion.

"He's not gonna be happy with seeing me...but I have nowhere else to go." I thought to myself. I was starting to get cold from the rain as my clothes were soaked. I pulled my self together as much as I could, and got up from the ground. I then turned around and started to make my way towards the mansion door. I've never been inside, but from the outside I could tell it was huge. Four stories at least. What do they do with all that room?

The mansion was a dark brown or red, maybe maroon. It was made of bricks or some type of stone, it was hard to tell in the rain. There was a lot of windows, maybe two or three for each room. The roof looked gray, though it was night time so I'm wasn't sure, and with the added rain it didn't help. There was a mailbox in the front, but it was destroyed and all over the ground. The staircase that lead to the door was at least three or four steps with a small patio and a little light.

The ground was dark and wet, and I didn't see the root that stuck out from the ground. I tripped over it and landed onto the cold wet ground. As if my night couldn't get any worse. I trembled as I slowly sat up and wiped the dirt off my clothes. I was getting frustrated which made me cry more. It took all my leftover strength to get myself up from off the ground. I wiped my hands off my clothes since they were dirty, then rubbed my eyes. I continued to the door and sniffled as I walked.

I finally made it to the door and hesitantly knocked on the door and waited...until the door opened to my brother on the other side.

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