Drunk hearts

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Nightmare's POV:

As soon as I started dancing, Error joined in. He looks so.... Happy. I've never really seen him like this, not even with Ink. 'Ink doesn't deserve someone like you Error. I would treat you better.' I thought. It frustrates me knowing Ink went off with Dream instead of staying with Error. I have a bad feeling I was right about Ink cheating on Error with Dream. I guess I should focus on keeping Error happy and his mind off the Ink and Dream thing.

I wanna try dancing with him like before again, but I want to wait for the right song. A few minutes later, a song comes on and I can't help but think 'this is the one! This will be our song.' I grab his hands and pull him in. He looks shocked at first, but then he relaxed and went along. I noticed he was Singing the song and so was I. "I like me better when I'm with you~!" I spinned him around and pulled him close. A hand on his hip and the other interlocked with his fingers. "Stay here with me~." We both stared into each other's eyes while singing and dancing. The song ended and our eyes were still locked, we both leaned in slowly for a kiss, but we were interrupted by someone yelling my name, "YO NIGHTMARE!!"

It was Killer, followed by Horror. Error and I pulled away embarrassed. They stopped and stood in front of us, "Been looking for you everywhere, boss! Oh hey, Error! Didn't expect ya to be here." Killer said. "Hey Kills, Horror. I didn't expect to be either until Ink dragged me here." Error sighed. Killer raised a brow, "Ink's here? Where? I don't and haven't seen him." I tried to signal him go not mention Ink, but I failed. "I don't know.... He's off somewhere with Dream...." Error's voice glitched a little at the end. Killer and Horror looked at me concerned, I made a look to confirm it. "O-oh, sorry dude. But at you've got Nightmare and us to hang out with!" Horror replied. Does that mean they're staying with us? I wanted to be alone with Error though. But I can't say that! I gave them a scowling look, "Or we could leave you two alone and go have our own fun away from you guys, heheh." Horror said meekly. "Good idea!" agreed Killer. I nodded with a sarcastic smile as they turned and walked away into the crowd.

Error chuckled, "Nice one, Nightmare." "What, they interrupted our moment." Error blushed. I grabbed his hand and pulled him slightly closer. He stuttered, "W-What moment? We weren't having a m-moment!" I laughed. "Are you sure? I think we were about to kiss just before Killer and Horror showed up." I teased and laughed after his face blushed a bright yellow. "Don't worry, Error. I was kidding! Well, not really, but I won't say anything." I chuckled.

Error's POV:

W-was he actually gonna kiss me? Was I gonna stop him? How hard am I blushing? My freak out was interrupted by someone screaming my name....... it was Ink.... who's was obviously followed by Dream. I felt Nightmare, who was still holding my hand, pull me back. "WHAT THE HELL ERROR?! I'VE BEEN CALLING YOU AND YOUR PHONE FOR 20 MINUTES!!" Ink yelled. I could tell he was drunk..... I hate when he gets drunk. He was still yelling at me and I could feel my soul pounding and my hands shaking, except for the one that Nightmare was holding, which he held tighter. "NOW, COME ON! WE'RE LEAVING!!" I don't want to leave with him. I'd rather go with Nightmare.

But it was too late to argue. I said my goodbyes as Nightmare and the others went back to the mansion. Ink had left me again, so I went home knowing that's where he went. I went to unlock the door, but it wasn't even closed all the way; so I walked in and closed it behind me and headed upstairs to our room. Me and Ink share a bedroom since we're together, but the door is usually open when the other isn't home yet. The door was closed, but not fully. It was open enough for me to see what was going on in our room. What I saw, broke me........

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