His glasses

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Nightmare's POV:

I was woken up early in the morning from hearing a commotion downstairs. I looked to my left and saw Error, sleeping peacefully, but his hand would twitch everytime a loud sound echoed. I couldn't help but smile about how calm and comfortable he looked, I didn't even notice he was holding my left arm like a teddy bear, Heheh~. Another loud sound came from downstairs, and I could feel Error's grip on my arm become tight. I started to get angry and annoyed from the commotion, and how they were gonna wake up Error. I gently moved his arm and managed to get out of bed without waking him. I gave him my pillow in substitute of my arm, he gripped it tight. I left the room and closed the door slowly, then quietly snuck downstairs and headed to the source of the loud sounds.
It was in the kitchen where I found Horror, killer, and Dust, fighting over the last breakfast burrito. 'Idiots.....' I thought as I watched them throw knifes and punches. As I watched their stupidity, I almost took a knife to the head. I caught it with my tendril before it reached my face, and stood there with a blank expression. The dimwits paused mid fight with fear on their face as they realized, they almost had a face to face meeting with Reaper (see what I did there? -3-). I let the knife fall to the floor as I stretched out tendril to grab them and pull them close and high so they're a few inches from my face,
"You dare have a KNIFE fight, over a f#cking BREAKFAST BURRITO, when you clowns all know DAMN WELL, Error and I are still asleep?!" I questioned with a low raspy voice; which is my usual morning voice.
"S-Sorry B-Boss!" The three said in unison, while sweating nervously. I could feel their negativity, but I kept my cool.
"And you all know, the last breakfast burrito is Cross's! He hasn't had any, and don't any of you dare say, 'He snoozes, he looses'. He bought them for the gang, so he at least deserves one." They all stared at me, knowing I wouldn't normally care about this type of thing. I scoffed and dropped them as they nodded nervously. I turned away and walked over to the couch, plopping down and groaning in exhaustion. It wasn't long for the quiet to be abrupted and the mansion be filled with screams. All of a sudden, Cross walks behind me and to the others. They didn't notice Cross until he grabbed the three of them and put his knife to
their neck,
"If you clowns don't shut the f*ck up, I will turn you all into head mounts as trophies!" The gang froze and became nervous, but nodded as well.
Cross went back upstairs and says something to someone on his way up. The sound of footsteps coming down are heard again. I can see Error coming down the steps. 'Great! They woke up Error! Those idiots are so f*cking dead!' I thought. Error heads over to me and sits next to me, putting his head on shoulder and
"They woke you up, didn't they?" I asked the sleepy Skeleton.
"Mhm......" he responded with annoyance in his voice. I smiled and kissed his cheek, he didn't even try to hide his blushing smile. I noticed he was wearing a pair of red, full-circled, glasses. I blushed at how cute and big they looked on him. He looked up at me and and raised a brow,
"You ok Night?"
"Yeah...." I snuggled into him and could hear his Soul beating, "also, you look really cute with your glasses."
His Soul beat got a little faster as I smiled. We fell back asleep like this on the couch. The gang didn't bother us and went on to other things. It was peaceful..........

Until a there was a hard knock on the door..........

Wonder who it is -w- find out in the next chapter!!! (684 words)

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