Love Betrayal

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Error's POV:

I wish what I was seeing wasn't real or true. I wished it's all just a dream! Because that's who I saw with Ink...... Dream. He and Ink were on top of each other, making out and going at it!! While I stood at the door heart broken and horrified! I saw this coming.......but why does it hurt so bad? I could feel my heart breaking the more I watched the person, I thought was my boyfriend, cheat on me. Tears streamed down my face and I ran out of the house. I just kept running and running until I couldn't run anymore. I fell to the ground and cried harder than I ever have before. With the image of Ink and Dream still 'loving' each other rings through my head. I could barely breathe and the tears filled my eye sockets, making it hard to see. All the voices shouted in my head, but there was only one that I listened to...... telling me to go to Nightmare.


Sorry it's so short!! I wanted to leave it on a good cliff hanger!! I hope you're all enjoying it so far! I would love to hear your feedback and thoughts!

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