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Error’s POV:

    The knock on the door made heads turn, especially mine and Nightmare’s. Killer walked toward the door and opened it. The door opens to Ink on the other side. He looks pissed and sees me with Nightmare. He comes in without asking and walks over to Nightmare and I, 
“So this where you’ve been? Cheating on me with Nightmare?! Wow, and you call me Soulless? What a joke.” Ink continued to yell at me. My hands started to shake, which Nightmare noticed and held them. I’d flinch everytime Ink would raise his voice. My anger started to slowly rise as he went on about me being the cheater. I couldn’t take anymore as I stood up with my fists closed. Nightmare didn’t stop me, no one did. Ink stood there and kept talking, 
“I give you love and how do you repay me? With being a SOULLESS CHEATER! How could you!?” This made me furious and I finally snapped.
“HOW COULD I?! HOW COULD YOU?! YOU’RE GETTING ALL UPSET ABOUT ME BEING THE “CHEATER” WHEN I’M THE ONE WHO WALKED IN ON YOU AND DREAM GOING TO TOWN IN OUR FUCKING ROOM!? IF ANYONE SHOULD BE ANGRY, IT’S ME! IF ANYONE SHOULD FEEL BETRAYED, IT’S ME! AND YOU’RE IN NO FUCKING POSITION TO CALL ME SOULLESS! I GAVE YOU ALL MY LOVE, AND YOU NEVER GAVE ANY BACK! YOU TREATED ME LIKE FULL ON SHIT! I SHOULD’VE KNOWN THIS WAS ONLY A GAME TO YOU! YOU ONLY WANTED TO PROTECT YOUR STUPID AUS! YOU NEVER CARED ABOUT ME! YOU ONLY EVER CARE ABOUT YOURSELF, AND APPARENTLY DREAM. UNLESS HE’S JUST A GAME TO YOU TOO! YOU’RE SO FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE, INK! AND YOU NEVER CARED ABOUT ME OR MY FEELINGS! I WISH I WOULD’VE SEEN THAT SOONER SO I DIDN’T HAVE TO PUT UP WITH YOUR TOXIC ASS FOR SO LONG! I WISH I COULD’VE SEEN HOW FAKE YOU WERE! I HATE THAT IT TOOK ME HAVING TO SEE YOU AND DREAM ON OUR BED TO REALIZE THAT! I'M DONE WITH YOU AND YOUR CHEATING ASS!!” Ink stared at me in shock, everyone did. I just stood there, wanting to kill Ink. Nightmare got up from the couch and stood next to me. He had a blank expression on his face as he stared at Ink with rage. He then ordered the gang to get rid of Ink. They didn’t even have to try, Ink left on his own. I stood there, with rage still in my eyes. Nightmare grabbed my hand and I snapped out of it. I stared up at him, his face was filled with concern as he caressed my cheek, that’s when I broke. I fell into his arms and started to cry. Nightmare held on to me tightly, hugging me. The others just stood there. That was until Horror walked over and joined the hug, the others followed behind. Dust comes over and rubs my shoulder, Killer walks over and pets my head, Cross comes over and rubs my back. I felt safe and loved, I felt like I was home with my family.

It feels so good to be back!!! I had a big writer's block moment that lasted so long and I'm back now!~ I've missed all you my children!!~ More chapters on the way! (555 words)

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