Night Heals

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Nightmare's POV:

I was in the kitchen of the mansion, doing some leftover dishes from dinner that night. Everyone had already head to bed. They were all 'bone' tired from the party, but I wasn't. I couldn't stop thinking and worrying about Error. So I tried to distract myself with a chore, but that didn't work...Neither did humming the song we danced to. That made it worse! I was caught in a mind palace full of Error! But, a knock at the door snapped me back to reality. I stopped doing the dishes and cleaned off my hands while walking to the door. I opened the door and saw a heartbreaking sight. It was Error.....he was..... crying, out of breath, and shaking. I dropped the washcloth and felt my heart sink.

"Error!? What's wrong? What happened? Are you o-!" I was cut off by him hugging me tightly. I hugged him back without hesitation. I walked him to the end of the porch and sat him down; he felt like he was gonna collapse. I could feel him breathing heavily, and the heartbreak in his voice, as he cried on my shoulder. I pulled him closer to my chest and hugged him tight. For some reason, it pains me to see him like this. We sat down on the stairs as I rocked back and forth with him in my arms, trying to calm him down before he crashes. "Shh, it's ok Error I'm here. Just breathe Error." I sighed while rubbing his back, hoping that it helps. I could feel his breath shaking, it sounded like he was freezing. "Come on Error, you need to calm down before you end up crashing or something." I warned.

I feel his breath get slower as he calms down and shivers, he tells me what happened. All I could feel was rage towards Ink and my brother, but I kept my cool for Error's sake. I take off my sweatshirt and put it around him. "I-1 just D0n't g-get why h3 would d-d0 this to me." Error whimpered. "I don't know, Error. I just wish you found out sooner... maybe it wouldn't hurt as much now if you knew." he then said something that broke my heart, "A-am ! just not g-g0od 3nough? Or m-maybe I'm ju$t not w0rth b-b3ing l-lov3d...." his voice sounded so broken as more tears started to fall and I could feel a huge wave of negativity pouring out.

I couldn't take it anymore! I cupped my hands, grabbing his face, and placed a long kiss on his skeletal lips. My face felt so warm, and I could feel the negativity slowly vanish. As I pulled away from the kiss, he looked like he was in shock, and I kept my hands cupped on his cheeks. "You are beautiful, Error. It's Ink's fault he couldn't see how amazing you are. And if he wanted to give up on loving you, then screw him! You are worth everything to me, and the gang loves you like a family. I hate how you don't see what I see, Error. You deserve more love than you think. And if you can't see that, then I'll make you see it!" I let go of his face and waited for an answer. Did I go too far?

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