Showing him what love is.

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Nightmare's POV:

It was later on in the day, the gang, Error, and I, were at my AU (Dont worry, no one eats an apple XD). I wanted to show Error around, while the gang terrorized some of the locals. I took him to the Tree of Life, which was protected so no more incidents happened. I held his hands in mine, "So, what this is the tree that turned me into this goopy shit." "Hey, I like your goop! Aren't you still able to turn back to your passive state though?" Error reassured me. "Heheh, ya I can. I just choose not to since it takes alot outta me. I don't really like my other form anymore, unless I need to heal someone, I stay in this one." Error smiled, "I get it. Its exhausting right?" I nodded and smiled.

He kept talking about theories he had about the tree, and I couldn't help myself, so I pulled him in for a kiss and he shut right up! He didn't pull back though, he kissed back aswell. After the kiss was over, I looked at Error and his face was a bright yellow from cheek to cheek. I chuckled at how cute he was. "W-what was that for?" Error asked me. I smiled, "Because your adorable." His face went more yellow. "I am not! Shut up!" He blushed more, it was so easy. "Heheh! Yes you are~." He covered his face, but I grabbed his hands, "Do you mind if I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back later." His face went bright yellow and I couldn't help but laugh and hug him.

It wasn't long till we both got hungry. I took him to the Grillby's in my AU. We shared a basket of fries and a large ice cream shake. We decided on a vanilla and chocolate swirl shake (I know, I'm basic XD!!). While we were enjoying our shake, I noticed a bit of ice cream on Error's cheek. "Heheh, come here Error. You got a little something on your face" he panicked to try and get it off, while I just leaned forward and wiped it off his face. He blushed a bit and smiled a little. "Th-Thanks. Is there anything else?" I smiled and kissed his cheek where the ice cream was, "Nope! Just the ice cream, plus my kiss." I chuckled as he blushed more and covered his face. "Heheh, sorry. I had too." He just scoffed and smiled.

After our shakes and fries, and a little dancing while at Grillby's, the day was coming to an end. It took us a while to find the gang, so I sent out a message to the group chat to meet us at the tree. Error and I were sitting in front of the tree, waiting for their dumbasses. We got texts from them in the chat, letting us know they're coming. "What's taking them so damn long?!" Error complained. "I don't know, but wanna do something to past the time?" I asked hopefully. He blushed a little, but nodded. "D-Do what? I am not racing your ass to the top of the tree!" I chuckled at his retort. "No, I won't make you race me. We both know I would win anyway. I was thinking," I stood up while holding his hands to lift him, "I borrow that kiss now." I pull him in as our skeleton lips clash and we kiss. His face goes yellow and mine becomes a light teal. We pulled away from the kiss, "I'll give it back later." I chuckled. I was waiting for Error's response, but we were interrupted.......



Sorry is so short! Like I said at the beginning of this chapter, it would be for certain reasons. (666 words XD!)

Goop and StringМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя