Moving in

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I'M BACK BABY!!! WHO MISSED ME?! Well you probably missed the story more, but I like to think I'm loved 😅🥲

Nightmare’s POV:

     I woke up slowly, and looked over to where Error was and noticed he was gone. I looked around a little as I rubbed my eye and sat up. I yawned and stretched as I got out of bed and stood up. Walking towards the door, I rubbed my head and sighed. I walked down the hall and headed downstairs to look for who was awake, mostly to look for Error. As I got downstairs, I saw Horror and Dust making breakfast. Cross and Killer were in the livingroom watching TV. I looked around for Error and got confused as I didn't see him anywhere. I walked over to Horror and Dust, "Either of you know where Error is?" I asked. "He said he was gonna grab his stuff from Ink's place. He left an hour ago so I don't know when he'll be back." Horror shrugged. I sighed and take out my phone and text Error:

Nightmare: "Horror said you're at Ink's to get your stuff, but you've been gone for an hour. Is everything ok?"

Error: "It was until Ink and Dream got home. I didn't want to deal with them, but I has to get my stuff. I'm on my way back now."

Nightmare: "Ok, good. See ya soon." 
    I put my phone away and sat at the table as I waited for Error to come back.

Error's POV:

   I didn't want to tell Nightmare that Ink and I got into a fight… which turned physical, mostly by Ink. I sighed as I just walked down the dirt path with my bags. I tried to take what I could before Ink got there, but the silence didn't last long I guess. At least I got my important stuff like my dolls and knitting stuff, my clothes, my chocolate stash, and some other things.

    I could see the mansion get closer as I was almost there. I finally got to the doors, and opened it. As I walked through, I closed the doors behind me then got stopped by Nightmare, who had a worried look on his face. "What happened? You look hurt, your cheek is red and you have a bruise on your arm." "Well, uh… Ink and I had a small fight. By that I mean he mostly hit me while I tried to pack my stuff." I frowned as I spoke, knowing Nightmare would be pissed, which his face confirmed. "He…WHAT?! HE HIT YOU?! WHAT THE HELL?! That little piece of squid shit is so dead!!" Nightmare growled. I sighed and smiled a little while watching him rage.

    It amused me how much he cared about me, and when I looked at the others of the gang, it amused me more how I could see their hatred and care too. I pull Nightmare into a kiss by his collar to shut him up, which worked. After breaking from the kiss, I hold his hand and lead him upstairs. "Relax, you can kill him later, for now just help me unpack." I smile at him as I go to his room with him following behind. "Fine, as you wish my love." He smiled at me which made me blush a little.

   After getting to his room, I start to unpack my stuff. Putting my clothes in Nightmare’s dresser, my knitting stuff and dolls in Nightmare’s closet, and my chocolate stash under his bed. I put my other stuff in the closet as well. Nightmare helped me put the clothes away so it was neat and folded into his dresser. I hold his hand as we go back downstairs and walk back into the kitchen since I still haven't had breakfast yet. I grab a plate and put the scrambled eggs and questionable "sausages" on the plate then sit at the table. I start to eat while Nightmare had Horror heal me, at least the places that hurt. I ate happily as the eggs tasted good and fluffy, and the sausages tasted pretty good as well, even if I didn't know what meat it was made of.

    I finished eating and teleported my plate to the sink, not long after, Horror was done healing me. "Now can we go hurt Ink?" Nightmare asked which made me chuckle, "Sure, but I'm staying here and going back to bed. So I'm stealing your clothes to sleep in Night." I snicker and kiss his cheek, then teleport to his room and put on one of Nightmare's long hoodie sweatshirts. I took off my pants and stayed in my boxers as they were more comfortable to sleep in. I yawn and get into Nightmare's bed and cuddled his pillow as I fell asleep after a little while.

Nightmare's POV:

   I smile as Error left and I order the gang to follow. We left the mansion, and headed to Ink's house which was a mile or two away. As we walked down the path, I couldn't help but grumble under my breath about Ink being a douche and how he would regret what he did to Error. I didn't even care if Dream was there, i just wanted Ink to hurt like he hurt Error...but maybe I'll hurt him more just for fun. I smirk as I thought and continued to walk with the gang. They all just rambled about how they were gonna hurt Ink, though Horror mumbled about stealing his food which made me chuckle a little. "I'm gonna flush his head in the toilet!" Dust threatened. Cross snickerd, "Your such a bully." "He's Dust, what do you expect? It's his favorite job." Horror comments. Dust chuckles, "Exactly! See, Horror gets me." "Because I know you." Horror smirked. "Whaterver." Dust smiled and rolled his eyes as we continued to walk.

No-ones POV:

   After a while of walking, they finally made it to Ink's house. Nightmare had to keep telling Killer to be quiet, since he kept breaking sticks. After a few quiet fights with back and forth "Shhh"s, the gang walked to the door. Nightmare banged on the door.

Ink's POV:

   I was on the couch with Dream, watching "Guardians of the Galaxy 2", when I heard a loud knock on my door. I groaned as I got up and walked to the door and opened it. My eye sockets widen as I saw Nightmare and his gang at the front of my door. I tried to play it off and act calm, but it was clear I wasn't. "W-What do you want?" I asked. "You know damn well, squid..." Nightmare glared at me and slowly walked into the house. What happened next took me completely off guard....
I'm sorry I was gone for so long 😔, my writers block was bigger than I thought. But I'm back and have new ideas to put into stories!! And I hope you enjoy/enjoyed this chapter, I know it's a long one. I read in some comments, people wanted Chaos and some angst, so here ya go! It's more chaos than angst, but you get my point. I love you all and appreciate the love and support you bring ❤️  it means alot that people care about my story enough to want more chapters, but give me the time to create them. You're all so amazing and I hope you have a good day/night!! 🥰🥰

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