Yellow and Teal

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Nightmare's POV:

It's been a few days since Error told me about Ink. I still can't believe he cheated on him with Dream. I swear the next time I see him, I'll make sure he can't cheat again (if you know what I mean ;) !). Error's been staying at the Mansion since then, too. I wonder if Ink has even noticed that Error is missing.....probably not. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. I go to open it and what do you know? It's Ink.

"Good morning Nightmare! Have you seen or heard from Error at all?" Of course I'm not gonna tell him he's with me, that would make things worse, "Nope. Haven't seen him since the Party. Why?" "W-Well, that's the problem, I haven't either. I don't even know if he came home that night." His concern almost sounded real. I almost believed he cared. "Weren't you with him when you told him to go home?" "I-I was with Dream......" Is he really that stupid? HE CAUGHT YOU CHEATING ON HIM WITH DREAM! Why can't you put two and two together, Ink? "I'm not gonna ask. But if it makes you feel any better, he's probably with Blue. He got pretty drunk that night and probably stayed at Blue's."

He nods and thanks me as he leaves. I close the door and return to Error. He was sitting up on his bed knitting a new doll, it looked like a doll of Geno. I sat next to him and told him about Ink, "Really? Ha! He has no idea what I know or saw." Error scoffed. I sighed and agreed. I scooted closer to Error as he finished his doll and put it to the side. He put his head on my shoulder and sighed. I smiled and kissed his head. I could feel his face get warm and a yellow blush rise on his face. I chuckled lightly as he wrapped his arms around my waist and I can't help but smile.

Error's POV:

I completely forgot about my Haphaphobia and hugged Nightmare tight. I just felt so calm and warm with him. It took me longer to warm up to Ink, then it's taken me with Nightmare. Well I guess it's because I've known him for so long and we've been friends for those times, where as with Ink, We started off as enemies. It's just strange to me how comfortable I feel around him and how happy he makes me. I don't know what it is about him, but I don't want this feeling to end.

Nightmare's POV:

I hear Horror call everyone down for breakfast. I get up and grab Error's hand, leading him down to the kitchen. His face is still a little yellow with blush. We get down to the kitchen and sit down at the table with the others as Horror passes out plates.

"Dig in! It's my homemade Pancakes and some fresh cooked Bacon. Don't ask what the meat is.......anyway, Enjoy!" Horror said excitedly. That made us all exchange looks. Horror just sits down and eats, while the rest of us were a little hesitant. Killer took the first bite and the others followed. It wasn't bad at all, the bacon had a little too much grease, but it was good none the less. The pancakes were delicious, as usual. Horror always makes his food from scratch. In some ways, its fitting: the starved sans being the best cook out of all of us.

Error was the last to finish. I was in the livingroom waiting and watching Dust and Cross play horror games. Error came and sat down next to me, pretty close too. I put my arm up and around him as he rest his head on my shoulder. We sat there and watched the two play Resident Evil. Everytime one of them screamed, Error would laugh. Depending on how high and long the scream was, is how much he would laugh. His laugh was glitched and went high and low at times. It was the first time I heard him laugh before, it was so adorable I just wanted to hear it on repeat. My thoughts were interrupted by Dust screaming, "AAAAAAHHHHHH STUPID FUCK MONKEY!!!!!! Holy shit that got me!" "PAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Fuck monkey?" Error laughed. "I don't know. Shut up! It just came out." Dust poorly defended himself.

I smiled while looking at Error, I just didn't notice I was staring. "Hehehehe. Uh, Nightmare? You ok?" Error noticed what I didn't. I blushed a teal hue, clearly embarrassed. "O-Oh! S-Sorry. Heheh. I didn't realize." I chuckled lightly and looked away. He giggled a little and snuggled into me. "You're fine Nightmare, I dont mind." Error reassured me. I smiled and hugged him a little. I could feel my face get warm and my blush rise as Error holds my hand. "Uh, you good boss?" Killer grabbed my attention from the chair next to me. I blushed a little more, "I'm fine Kills, shut up." He chuckled and rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say, Boss." I ignored him or at least I tried. For the rest of the day, we watched Dust and Cross play their games, while Error and I snuggled up on the couch. I couldn't help but think, 'I cant wait for Ink to find out.' I know how bad it sounds, but it's true! I want to show Ink the proper way to love Error. Because that's what Error deserves. And I can't wait to show him all my love!

This might be my longest chapter! But I did it! And now I'm excited to do the next chapter because I got ideas! And don't worry, Ink will find out soon. And when he does, it'll be a great fucking chapter!! Also, I hope you all are enjoying this series! Let me know what else you wanna see in this series, like ships and stuff!

(1001 words)

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