The sad yellow king at the door

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Nightmare’s POV:

Once I had opened the door, I looked at the pathetic sight in front of me. I looked at his wet and dirty clothes then I saw his eyes, they were red underneath and a little puffy. I could tell he had been crying, and a lot of it for that matter. I stared at him which soon turned into a glare.

"What do you want? You look like hell." I waited for an answer, he looked like he was gonna cry again so I waited semi-paitently.
"I-I'm sorry. I have nowhere else to go. I-Ink...h-he cheated on me..." he started to cry again, making me sigh. Even though he looked pathetic and sad, he reminded me of Error when Ink did the same to him. Which made me take some pity, plus his negativity felt nice.
"Come in before you catch a stupid cold you idiot." I punched myself on the inside since I hated my brother, but apparently not enough to let him suffer on his own.

I moved away from the door to let him come in, then I watched the faces of the gang and Error as Dream came in. They all had wide eyes and surprised faces, probably because I actually let Dream come in and wasn't being a bitch to him like usual. I could tell they were all confused, though no one said anything. I closed the door once Dream came in and lead him over to my recliner so everyone could hear and see me.

"Someone get Dream a new change of clothes and a blanket. He'll be staying with us for a bit." I sighed as I couldn't believe what I just said, and from the looks of surprise I was getting, no one else could believe it either.
"Wait, why?" I looked at Dust.
"Because that idiot squid, cheated on him like he did Error. And because I'm not an asshole...well, not a huge asshole, he's gonna stay with us. Now could somebody do what I asked and get Dream a change of clothes and a blanket?" I glared at them as no one was moving, then I watched as Cross got up and teleported away.
"Wait, who did he cheat on you with?" Horror asked. I stared at him and mouthed to him to shut up. He looked down and stopped talking.
"You don't have to answer that. He's just being a dick." I tried to keep Dream away from breaking down, which is what I probably felt earlier outside the mansion. Dream's negativity is different from anyone else's, since he's a positive being almost all the time. Dream just nods and sniffles as he fidgeted with his fingers. I sighed as I waited for Cross.
"Horror, do we have anymore food left from dinner?" Horror just shrugs. "Instead of shrugging, go check!" I demanded. Horror scrambled to get up then rushed over to the kitchen.
"I-I'm not hungry." I looked at Dream and rolled my eye.
"I don't care, you're eating something." He wiped a tear then nodded to me.
"W-We have some left!" I heard Horror yell from the kitchen.
"Good, make Dream a plate!" I look at Cross as he came back with some warm clothes. He gives them to Dream.
"Go change into these then sit down and eat. And I don't want a thank you, this just gives me another excuse to beat up Ink." I snicker and walk over to Error, as Dream nodded and made his way to the bathroom. I sighed and sat on the arm of my recliner next to Error.

No one's POV:

After a few minutes, Dream came back from the bathroom with the new clothes on and the blanket around him. He was then told to go to the dinning table and eat. Dream walks over to the table and sits down as Horror sets a plate of meatloaf in front of him. Horror walks back to Dust and sits down next to him on the couch. Dream hesitantly picks up a fork and slowly starts to eat.

"What are we gonna do now, boss?" Killer whispered.
Nightmare sighs, "Well I know one thing. We get to beat up Ink again. But after that, I'm not sure. I don't want Dream to stay here, so he's gonna have to go back to his place at some point, but for now he can sleep in a guest room."
"I am curious on who Ink was with. It couldn't have been Blue, or else that's just fucked up." Cross uttered.
"It doesn't matter, what matters is that Ink gets another beating. And I'm excited!" Dust cheerfully exclaimed, which made Horror chuckle. Nightmare rolled his eye and walked over to the kitchen to see Dream.
"So what exactly happened? How did Ink sneak a rando into you're guy's house?"
Dream had almost finished eating, he put his fork down and looked up at Nightmare. "I-I went to our AU. I wanted to talk to the townspeople and say hello to everyone like I usually do. I got home late and wanted to just go to bed, but..." Dream started to sniffle and wipe some tears away. He then took a deep breath and continued to explain what happened.
"I see. What did this Sans look like?" Nightmare questioned.
"I've never seen him before. He uh, had a multi-colored body and um, checkered pattern fingers. I don't know where he came from or how Ink knew him, and I didn't stick around to ask. I just wanted to get away from there...." Dream frowned and started to eat his meatloaf again.
"Fine. You're staying here for a while. Only for three days. Then you have to go back home to our Au. I'll deal with Ink. After you finish eating, let me know and one of the others will show you to a guest room. And this doesn't mean I like you, I'm just getting tired of seeing Ink get the best of people I know." Nightmare sighs and heads back to the livingroom.

Not long after Nightmare had sat down in the livingroom, Dream had walked in. Nightmare orders Killer to show Dream where he will be staying, and the two leave. Once Dream was shown a room, he used the time to cry again. After a while of crying, Dream fell asleep. While downstairs in the livingroom, the gang watched a marvel movie (Black panther).

Horror POV:

As we watched the movie, I noticed Dust kept almost falling asleep, to the point he almost fell over. I snickered and watched him, finding it funny and cute.... 'Wait. Cute?! Why do I keep thinking these things!?! Dust is my friend and just friend!!' I thought. I sighed in my head, then saw Dust's head falling foward again. I didn't want him to fall off the couch, though it would be funny. I caught his head and helped it back and had him lean on me. His head landed on my shoulder, and I could hear his little snores. For some reason, it made me blush. It's like this morning all over again. I soon calmed myself down and watched the movie again. By the time it was over, Error and Nightmare had left to their room to sleep since it was late. Killer fell asleep on the couch, and Cross had to drag him to bed, I wish I was kidding. It was only me and Dust left, so I turned the tv off and carefully picked up Dust. I didn't want to wake him, because he would've been he looked peaceful. I sighed and brought him to his room and layed him down in the bed. I pulled the blankets over and stared at him for a bit before leaving to my room. I couldn't stop blushing and I hated it. I groaned in my head with annoyance and walked into my room then plopped down onto my bed and pulled the blanket up. I stared at my ceiling for a while before I fell asleep.

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