They found out

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Dust's POV:

Cross and I caught up with Horror and Killer and were on our way to meet up with Nightmare and Error and the big ass tree. Once we got there, I think it's safe to say, we were all shocked to see Nightmare and Error kissing under the tree. We all froze and said in unison after they stopped, "WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?!"

No ones POV:

Nightmare and Error blushed out of embarrassment and turned to the gang.

"What the fuck? Did you and Error just Kiss?" Killer questioned.

"Yeah? So what?" Nightmare said with question.

"How long has this been a thing?" Horror wondered.

"S-Since the party." Error responded with hesitation.

The gang took a deep breath and got over their surprise. Horror and Killer patted Error on the back, which was a little awkward to Error, but he went along with it. Dust and Cross kept asking Nightmare questions, like what if Ink or Dream found out, and who sleeps in who's room.

They decided to head home after the long day they had, and just rest for the remainder of the day. Once they arrived home Horror started to cook dinner, while the others sat on chairs and couches in the Livingroom. Error sat right next to Nightmare on the couch. Killer and Dust sat on the floor playing horror video games, while Cross sat on an Armchair next to Nightmare and Error's couch.

Error's POV:

Killer and Dust started screaming because of the game. Which I thought was hilarious. I was trying to knit a new doll of Fell, but it didn't help when I was laughing at their stupidity. Killer and Dust were taking turns playing Fnaf 3, while Cross polished his Knife. Killer kept getting jump scared by Springtrap, and would sometimes throw the controller.

"STUPID BURNT BUNNY F*,CK!!" Killer screamed in anger and shock. "F*ck you! Dumbass Rabbit!" He complained.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!Thahahahats sohoho mean!" I laughed. I could feel Nightmare smile.

"He looks like a burnt tortilla! Not my fault!" Killer scowled at the TV. I laughed at his comment and shook my head.

"Yeah, but Foxy looks like a rusty Doggo with a hook! He looks like he smoked one too many dog treats and they blew up in him." Dust chuckled. I giggled and his comparison, knowing he was right. Nightmare chuckled and agreed aswell.

"DINNER IS READY!!!" Horror shouted from the kitchen. Killer paused the game and got up. The others got up from their seats and headed over to the kitchen table. Once they sat down, Horror place plates and drinks on the table. The food on the plate was lasagna and steak, with a side of chips. Horror sat down with his plate and dug in, with the others joining.

I ate it all pretty quickly. Once the others finished, some asked for seconds. I was full though and just stuck to my water, and waited for Nightmare to finish his meal.

It was 2 minutes later, and Nightmare finally finished his dinner. He took my plate and his, and cleaned them in the sink. The others cleaned their plates too, and joined us while Nightmare put on a movie. He gave us choices and we all agreed on "Transformers: The Last Knight". A few minutes later, and the movie started. Cross handed out popcorn, then joined us.

---------An hour later-------

3rd POV:

The movie was half way through. Dust had fallen asleep next to Killer, with his head on his shoulder. Killer smiled and pat his head. Error had fallen asleep aswell, with his head on Nightmare's lap. Nightmare smiled and rubbed Error's back. Cross was passed out on the armchair and Horror, Killer, and Nightmare were the only ones left awake.

After the movie had come to an end, Horror was out cold. Killer and Nightmare were still awake, so they took care of the others. Nightmare put Error to the side of the couch, and picked up Horror and Cross and brought them to their separate rooms. Killer got up and picked up Dust, he carried him to his room.

Once Nightmare came back, he picked up Error and carried him to his room. He placed him in his bed and was about to leave to sleep on the couch until he felt a tug at his jacket. He turned around and saw Error grabbing onto him.

"E-Error?" Nightmare said in confusion.

"D-Don't" Error mumbled.

Nightmare chuckled, "Ok, Error. I'll stay with you." He smiled and got in the bed with Error, who held onto him. Nightmare and Error cuddled in the bed and fell asleep holding eachother. They slept softly for the rest of the night.


Tell what ships you want to see. (Other then Error, ink, dream, and Nightmare ships since they are obvious in this book). Do you guys Ship Killer and Dust? Horror and Lust? What about Cross? Help me here!!

(834 words)

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