The Comfort

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Error’s POV:

I started to calm down. I was surprised my Haphaphobia hasn’t kicked in yet, but i wasn’t gonna complain. After I calmed down, I felt tired from the crying and a lack of energy. Nightmare noticed. He shooed the others away and pulled me closer into his arms. He hugged me tight, and picked me up bridal style. I was confused at first, but I let it slide as I was too exhausted to do anything about it. He took me upstairs to his room and layed me on his bed. I looked up at him and watched as he layed next to me. He smiled softly, not saying a word, and scooted closer to me. I watched him, confused. He pulled me into his arms and started to cuddle me, rubbing my back. I relaxed in his arms and started to fall asleep slowly. Nightmare whispered in my ear, “Now that Ink knows about us, we can make it official. Right?" I nod and smile as blush creeps onto my cheeks. He kisses my cheek, "Good, now I can call you my boyfriend." I blush a little more and snuggle into his chest. He cuddled me closer and continued to rub my back, which made me sleepy. I started to drift off to sleep and Nightmare kept quiet letting me sleep, knowing I needed it. I fell asleep and not soon after, Nightmare fell asleep as well.

Ink's POV: 

Did he actually see me and Dream? Shit… I knew I forgot to close the door! He wasn't supposed to find out like that! I groaned and sighed as I walked back to the portal I made to get here since I was too mad to walk. I couldn't contain my anger as I picked up a rock and threw it into the forest. I huffed and went through the portal and sat on my couch. I looked around and sighed, seeing it was quiet and lonely without Error. "Hey, well now that Error's out of the picture, I can have Dream move in with me!" I smiled wide and took my phone out and called Dream. It rang for a while then he answered, "Hello?" I smiled more, hearing his voice. "So Error found out about us, and yeah I was pissed at first, but then I realized we can finally be together!" I said cheerfully. I could hear his squeals of happiness through the phone. I chuckled a little and smiled. "REALLY?! Yay!! I'll be right there!"  He hung up and I immediately heard a knock at my door. I got up and ran to the door and opened it. We hugged and gave each other a quick kiss. He followed me in and I led him upstairs to my room. We laid on the bed and cuddled and kissed. After we settled down, we both started to fall asleep. "I love you, Dreamy." I said to him lovingly. "I love you too, Inky." Not long after, we fell asleep.

Who disagrees with how Ink took this? Should he have been as happy as he was? Do you wanna see more of him and Dream? Let me know! (534 words)

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