Run | Chase x Sweetie

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Hundreds of people were gathered in the massive room, screaming at each other, running from one place to other. It seemed like a chaos, but every one had one mission in mind.

Find the terrier known as Sweetie.

Sweetie went missing just a week ago, and from that day everyone was looking for her. If some say they were ordered to do it, it would be a lame world...

everyone was forced to do it.

"So? What about the location that was closer to the Central City?" Chase asked, walking over to one person.

"We know just approximate location, sir. And even that is in radius of 50 kilometers." He replied, as Chase walked away, towards the upper deck.

"Sir, we got knowledge on a animal shelter, maybe she's there." Another person said.

"Impossible, if Sweetie is alive she wouldn't stay a minute in a shelter." Chase said, walking past him. "Continue."

He made his way out of the building, exhausted. No sleep for two days was not the ideal thing to do...but he needed to.

Sweetie ran away because of him...

Inhaling the fresh air, and not the one coming from an air conditioner was relaxing, but he knew he can't relax now.

The people in the building were just normal police officers, detectives or agents, paid by Chase. He spent all of the payment from the Massacre, and it was enough.

Sweetie, please, come home. He thought, looking up to the cloudy sky. Chase just prayed that Sweetie is alive somewhere...anywhere...

"Chase." The shepherd heard, turning his head to the side.

"Yes?" "Sweetie will come back when she wants to." Marshall told him, rubbing his back.

"But...what if no? What if she's kept back somewhere?" Chase said, beginning to cry. "What if... I'm late?"

"What makes you think that?" Marshall asked, sitting beside him.

"Sweetie didn't ran away because she was scared of being the royal leader, she ran away...because I was an idiot." Chase cried. "I...told her that I love her."

"And that made her run away?" "Pretty much after that I've never seen her, and when the next day we knew she didn't come home, that's when I knew." Chase explained. "Agh, I'm such a dumbass."

Marshall felt sorry for his friend. So he decided to help him.

"Disband the, and come to the mountain in the evening." Marshall said, and stood up. "Oh, and bring something nice. We are gonna hook you up with a date!"

Before Chase could say anything, his friend run away, making him stay with his thoughts alone.

What did he mean by that?


Chase grabbed the rose from the vase, and put it on the back of his cruiser. Even if he still was in love with Sweetie, he was willing to give this blind date a shot...

The searching group was disbanded, with words she will come back by herself, and he got the rest of the payment back.

...and now he was on his way to the Jake's mountain, not knowing who will it be.

He wasn't giving up on Sweetie, in fact he was willing to cancel the date on the place.

Soon, he arrived at the top of the mountain, where he seen...nothing... it was a cemetery.

Well, good job tricking me, Marshall. Chase thought, and started the engine up.

But then, a pebble hit him in the head. He shut the engine off, and looked in the direction from where the pebble came.

It was a forest, and between the trees he saw something.

An eye...vivid magenta eye.

He jumped out of the cruiser, and ran to the forest quickly. He remembered that eye...and the pup it belonged to.

He kept running through the trees, ignoring the branches scratching him. Soon, he appeared at a cliffside, that was overlooking the whole city.

And there she sat...Sweetie herself. Even though she wore a cape, he knew it was Sweetie. The eye, the posture, the scent...

"Sweets..." "Don't call me that." She replied.

"Bu-" "You, out of everyone, know how hard is life for me." Sweetie said, slowly turning around. "And you casually tell me you love me."

Her face was hidden behind the cape, but Chase knew she was crying. 

"No, don't...don't say anything." The terrier said. "Because any word you mutter right now will result in your muzzle being kicked."

Chase noticed that the pup he loved suddenly matured. She wasn't the playful pup like he knew...she was aggressive.

"Go." Sweetie said. "Go to your date, although I was supposed to be that date."

Chase didn't want to go away, more so when he heard that Sweetie was supposed to be his blind date. 

"And no, I'm not returning anyway. Everest and Jake are nice to me, and that's enough." Sweetie said, lifting the cape of her head, revealing her eyes, which were for some reason different; one was her magenta, and one was bloody red. 

"Sw-" "Shut. Up." Sweetie said, and put the cape back on her head. "Leave, or I'll beat the living crap out of you."


"Okay, no. This isn't the answer to the problem." 

Rocky was looking over, as Chase has been pumping himself with sleeping pills, which were now working like opioids.

"She hates me." "No, she doesn't, and for god sake this can kill you." Rocky added, trying to make him stop. Chase just looked at him.

"That's the point."

Rocky rolled his eyes, but not wanting to leave him alone, since he could really kill himself.

Chase in some time stopped, leaving the box of pills alone, and walked towards his puphouse sitting outside the lookout.

"She doesn't want to see me, she hates me, she -"

"I don't hate you."

He turned around, seeing Sweetie, still in the same cape like some time before.

"I just... don't even know to be honest." Sweetie said, lowering her cape down from her head. "The upcoming role as a queen of Barkingburg doesn't sound that good as I thought it would."

Chase nodded, fully interested in what Sweetie was going to say next, while having suddenly no drugs in him.

"And...when I heard that you were looking for me nonstop..." Sweetie continued, now walking closer to Chase. "Made me realize I can choose only one option."

"And you choose?" "Being queen sounds great, but it isn't for me." The terrier said, smiling.

"I can be a leader, but not a leader to a country and for sure not Barkingburg." Sweetie chuckled. "Even if Barkingburg was and will be my home, I choose the second option. And that is you."

"Me?" "Yes, you. Because the total opposite brings me to you." Sweetie said. "You know how hard my life is and even then you tried to soften it up by trying to be with me."

Chase listened, being surprised by her words.

"So yes, in the end I'm not gonna be a romantic asshole, but just simply say; I love you, Chase." Sweetie said, and looked into his eyes.

Sweetie's eyes quickly changed back to her natural magenta ones, her bloody red eye was gone completely.

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