Was it the best idea? | Chase x Sweetie

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Takes place in Mighty Pups!

"I failed you pups, I can't figure out a plan to save Ryder," Chase said, with his head down. To be correct, he tried to, really tried. But Harold still outsmarted him. He failed miserably.

"It's okay Chase. You'll find out a way to sav-" "No, I can't. Make someone else second-in-command. I can't do it." Chase said and ran away. No one could catch up to him, because of his super speed. They started running after him.

"We can't catch up, we don't even know where he went," Rocky said, running out of breath. They stopped running.

"You are right, we need to save Ryder," Marshall said as they walked back.

Chase was running. He didn't know where he was heading, but he was really far away from Adventure Bay. He hated that he failed his friends as their backup leader. He didn't know how he should save their real leader. He continued running, didn't know where.

He was running for a while. It was getting dark. Just then, his superpowers were gone. He stumbled at his own feet, launching himself on the road. He was rolling fast, really fast. Just then, he hit something and slowed down. He was knocked out

After some hours:

Chase woke up. His head was in pain.

"Is someone here?" Chase said, getting up. He knew he hit something, probably something living. He ripped his uniform off him. Just then, he heard something coming to him.

"Am I dreaming or just amnesia?"

He looked around. He saw something, or rather someone, he wouldn't expect.

"Sweetie?" He asked the pup, who was covered in mud.

"Yeah, it's me. And you almost killed me." She said, irritated. Chase blushed, feeling guilty. "Why were you rolling so fast?"

"Well, long story short. A meteor hit Adventure Bay and we kinda got superpowers." Chase explained. "And what are you doing here?"

"Chase, look around." She said and pointed. He saw a castle and a town. "You are in Barkingburg."

"So, I ran all the way here?" She nodded.

"And why did you run away?" She again asked. Chase lowered his head, tears in his eyes. Sweetie saw it and felt sad for him. She did something she never did. She moved to him and hugged him, despite being covered in mud. Chase was shocked but returned the hug.

"I-I. I failed as a leader. Pups and Ryder were counting on me." He said, sobbing. Sweetie was shocked to see a strong pup like Chase cry.

"It will be okay Chase." She said, comforting him. She pushed away from the conflicts she had with him and comforted him. She knew he needed her, not to break down. Chase finally calmed down, after crying into Sweetie's shoulder.

"T-Thank you, Sweetie." He said, wiping his tears. She smiled.

"Anytime. Now, it's getting colder, come with me to the castle." She said and grabbed his paw. They both blushed. "S-Sorry." She said, letting it go. They both walked away back to the castle.

As they got in, the princess was in the hall, nervously walking around. As soon as she saw Sweetie, she ran to her and hugged her.

"Sweetie! Where were you?" She asked. Then, she saw Chase next to her.

"Chase? How dare you come here?"

She shouted at Chase. He was speechless.

"I-I d-didn't know that I'm not allowed here." He said.

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