Hints | Skye x Rex

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Music was blasting throughout the town as the concert was beginning. The people, pups, and cats were gathering around, enjoying their time and eating snacks that were sold at the concert.

But the small cockapoo hated the loud music. She got used to the boys playing the drums but this was something much different. She stayed on the lookout, while everyone was getting ready to leave for the concert.

"Skye, you really don't want to come?" Chase asked as he was about to leave. Despite what Skye had done to him, he forgave her and she tried to change. 

"No, I really hate concerts, and this is a rock concert, so it'll blow my eardrums." "Good point. Well, gotta go. Bye." He waved and left the lookout, leaving Skye alone. She sighed and walked over to the beanbags they had in front of the TV and laid on one.

She was used to spending time with Everest while these concerts happened, but she is with Marshall, and the same goes for Liberty, who was visiting.

"Guess I'll just watch TV." She said and turned it on, only to be greeted by a max volume TV show, to which she jumped a few meters up.

"Gahh!" She screamed and immediately turned off the sound. "Who the hell turned you to max?"

She shook her head and turned the volume down and watched the television. She started thinking of what she did, and what were the outcomes. I have no friends, the ones that talk to me are just my family, and never will I find anyone. She laid her head on her paws and continued watching.

She was totally not aware of her surroundings and didn't notice someone walking inside. 

"Hi, Skye." 

She jumped up as she heard someone say her name. She fell back on her back and saw who was there. Rex.

"Hi, Rex. What are you doing here?" "Well, I tried to go to the concert. Seems like they are a bit loud for me." 

Skye chuckled. "Well, I have the same problem." She said.

Rex giggled and unzipped the vest he had and got out of his wheeler. Skye was surprised that he could walk.

"Uhm, Rex? You can walk?" "Why yes, I can. The wheeler just makes me fast as if I was running. I can't run well." He lowered his head.

"Don't be sad, not everyone must be perfect." She said and moved slightly on her beanbag and patted the place next to her, indicating for Rex to lay next to her. He got on, despite having a dozen of others, and laid down.

"Like, theoretically I have something with my legs because I can't run, but I did learn to live like that," Rex said, shocking Skye. "And what about you? How are you?"

"Well, sad and alone." "Why's that? Last time we met you were full of energy." "Yeah, that was a long time ago. Many things happened since then."

"Like what?" Rex asked as Skye blushed. He noticed she was nervous as he put his paw on hers. "Don't be nervous, I won't laugh at you." He smiled and Skye did too as she heard that.

"Well, I did bad things to Chase, when I found out he loves someone else. So everyone stopped talking to me, till I and Chase became friends again." Skye explained as Rex gasped. "I know, I know, it was selfish and bad of me. But I changed, and I'm happy that everything is good between Chase and me."

"Nonono, I never thought you had something for Chase," Rex said, confusing Skye. "Like, yes, you care about him, but I only saw you care about him as you care about the others." He finished, trying to hold his tears. He was devastated from inside as he heard Skye loves someone else, and not him. She was the only one he ever loved and that won't change.

"Yeah, they are like a big family to me." She sighed and smiled. "But we need to move. I recalled my thoughts and maybe me being with Chase wouldn't even work." 

"Skye." Rex started as she hummed. "I am really happy that you told me this." "Oh, yea, why not?" She said and smiled at Rex. She thought of telling him that she likes him, but she realized she just told him about her past, so rejection would happen. "And you? Do you have eyes on someone?" She changed the subject.

"Well, I do. But I don't know if she will ever at least like me." Rex said, lowering his head.

"Oh come on, someone is waiting for you out there. You have a lot to choose from because you are sweet, cute, pretty, smart, and -" She stopped and put her paw on her mouth. Rex chuckled.

"You'd be surprised, but I only want the one. No one else. She is perfect in every shape, her small legs can get her anywhere, her fur waves through the wind, her acrobatic skills are incomparable to others, her cute smile always makes me happy and she is just perfect." Rex said, leaving Skye speechless. She thought of someone who could Rex have feelings for. Small legs, fur waves through wind, is he talking about me?

"Rex, who is the lucky one?" Skye said as he just smiled.

"I thought that I made it a little bit too obvious." He chuckled as Skye blushed. "But I let you make one guess."

"I-Is i-it m-me?" She asked. She didn't wait for the answer and kissed him. She couldn't hold it anymore, having Rex facing her and smiling at her.

After a while, Skye broke it.

"Yes Skye, it's you." He said as he nuzzled Skye's nose with his. "So, you love me too?"

"Of course I do." She said and leaned on him, wrapping him in a hug.

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