Flying | Skye x Rex

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Windy Adventure Bay wasn't something new in autumn, and it was great for all kinds of activities, like windsurfing or flying a kite.

Or generally flying.

Skye was flying over Adventure Bay with her high-speed jetpack, which Ryder allowed her to use whenever she wanted. She tried all kinds of stuff, like flying through the forest, keeping a steady altitude while flying through strong wind, and more.

As she was returning from practicing flying through a cave in Jake's Mountain, she saw on the beach someone, who she did not expect to be there. It was her long-time crush, who lived in a far country, between dinosaurs. 

What is Rex doing here? She thought as she was getting closer to the beach when she thought of something. What if I go down and talk with him? 

She flew down, barely slowing down as she landed on the cold sand, a few meters from Rex. She put down her helmet and quietly sneaked behind Rex. As she got closer, she got on her hind legs and extended her front paws. She jumped on Rex.

"AHHHH!" He shouted as he was surprised at the sudden touch of someone. He quickly turned around and saw a small cockapoo, laughing. "Very funny Skye."

"You should've seen your face!" She laughed for a while, but then calmed down, not wanting her crush to feel uncomfortable. "So, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I came to do my special mission," Rex said, trying to hide more details from Skye. But he needed to think of what he will say next. I still feel bad hiding this from you, Skye.

"And what's that mission? Do you need help?" Skye asked, trying to be helpful. 

"'s a secret. A secret mission." Rex quickly said, which did not satisfy Skye. "And sorry, you can't help me."

"Why's that?" Skye said. Rex was about to talk when Skye stopped him. "Look, we are a team, a family. If you need help, I'll help you, others also." She tried to get him to say yes. But in the end, he nodded.

"Fine, after all, I would like a girl's company."

"So, we were walking for a while, and you still did not tell me, what the mission is." Skye grumpily said as they walked up a hill. Rex, being unable to run, was forced to walk slowly, and after countless times telling the small cockapoo to go in front of him, she stayed by him and they talked.

"Well, I need your help after all. I need you to look like my date." Rex said as Skye's eyes were wide open and she blushed. 

"W-What?" "I want to ask one girl out today, and I need to set up the place for it. And you, being a girl, could help me. Because, no offense, sometimes it's hard to understand you." Rex slightly giggled, Skye joining him.

"None took, some of us go through, well, special times, and we can be grumpy about little things, like THIS STUPID HILL WE'VE BEEN WALKING FOR AN HOUR!" She screamed, which slightly scared Rex and he let out a tear-out. 

Skye immediately noticed what she had done, and saw Rex letting out a few tears. She stopped walking and hugged Rex, as he started crying.

"Sorry Rex, it wasn-" "No, I get it. I told you to go, it will take me some time to get there." He said between tears. Skye felt guilty for what she said and never did she want to make Rex feel bad.

"Rex, look at me," Skye said as she broke the hug. Rex slowly lifted up his head, which revealed his tears still coming out of his eyes. "I'm not letting you go back down and back up. We go up there, and we will have a date, what do you say?" Skye suggested. Rex put on a slight smile and nodded, wiping his tears.

"You would?" "Yeah! Who would not? Now come on, we have only a few meters to go." Skye chirped and they both started walking again to their destination, which felt only a few seconds. Skye was the whole walk brushing her tail around his, and both were slightly blushing.

"And here we are," Rex said as they both saw a beautiful cliffside, with flowers around, and a bench with a table placed in the middle. A beautiful stone and gravel were laid down as the path.

"Wow, this looks so cool!" Skye said as she admired the view. "The lucky one would be lucky."

"And she is lucky, as you said," Rex said, slightly confusing Skye.

"You said she wa-" She paused, piecing together everything that they talked about. "-sn't here!" 

"Yeah, she never was. And maybe never saw this place." Rex giggled. 

"Rex, but, there is just us two," Skye said, being even more confused as she looked around. "Or-"

"I wanted to bring you here, somehow." Rex started, as he faced Skye. "You were the special one the entire time I was on the team. Somehow, you were the only one I could freely talk to." He continued, as a few tears rolled up in Skye's eyes. Is he gonna-

"I then figured out that you are not a friend to me. But a crush. Skye, from the bottom of my heart, I love you."

I. Love. You. These were the three words that froze Skye. What do I do? She thought and gave him a kiss, hoping she did it right. Rex moved her closer to him and melted into the kiss.

"Rex, you give amazing kisses." "You two, my Skye," Rex said as Skye nodded in agreement with that nickname.

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