The search | Rocky x Liberty

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"You can't stop me anymore you stupid dog!" Mayor Humdinger said. He finally captured Liberty and started torturing her. She was strapped to a pole which now and then shocked her. She was captured for a whole month now. She gave up on escaping and seeing daylight anymore. They maybe don't know that I was captured.

But she was really wrong. Paw Patrol and really everyone was looking for her. Especially Rocky. He was searching for her by himself for a good 2 weeks. He was exhausted due to a lack of sleep and food. He didn't eat, sleep just searched for the love of his life. 'Rocky, you need to get back to the lookout. Please, we miss you.' He heard from his pup tag. He turned it off again and continued. This was a recurring issue. Ryder or someone from his friends calls him to get back, he then turns his pup tag off, and it turns automatically on in the morning. Maybe they were right. She is somewhere far away and I can't find her. He laid down under a tree, tens of kilometers away from Adventure City, and tried to get some sleep. Rocky was determined to find her. He didn't care if it's going to kill him, he just wanted her to be safe. He then heard buzzing. Like an electricity zapping. He got up and went to the direction he heard the zapping.

Meanwhile, Liberty was now lying in the corner, blood all over her. She was bruised by the kittens. "Tomorrow you'll have the last torture. But this will force you to join us and betray Paw Patrol." She looked at him angry. "N-No, never! I c-can't betray s-someone that I l-love!" She said with anger. "Well, you choose death or join us. Nothing between. Muhahaha!!!" He evily laughed. "Just wait for tom-" He stopped and looked behind him. Liberty didn't know what happened and just laid down. "How have he found us?" She heard the mayor say. Who is 'he'? Liberty thought. She tried to move near the doors, but she yelped in pain. She noticed that she is badly hurt in the abdomen. Oh well, maybe I'll die after all. She gave up and laid there, tried to sleep maybe for her last time. When she was falling asleep, she heard her crush. Am I dreaming? "Ryder, come to me, I found her!" He called Ryder. "Oh my god, Liberty! What had he done to you?" Rocky shouted more angrily. "I need you to get you somewhere they can find us." He picked her up carefully and ran out of the building. 

A-Am I dead? Did he kill me when I was asleep? Sure did, I can't move my legs. Liberty thought to herself. She was in coma. She was after her 3rd surgery and things looked really good, although for one thing. The doctor came out of her room to meet Rocky, his best friend Zuma comforting him, and Ryder and Katie. "Doctor, will she be okay?" Doctor nodded. "Well, she was really really lucky. One more kick and she would have died instantly. But there's one thing I need to discuss with you Mr. Ryder, alone." He pointed to his office. "But with her too, she is their owner too." Ryder gestured at Katie. Indeed, when Ryder told Katie that he loves her, they got together. But Ryder wanted her to take the pups and be their legal owner too. They came into the doctor's office and sat on the chairs. "So, the good news is she will heal, and a lot faster than we thought. But one thing won't heal. And here your girlfriend might know what." When they heard it, Katie started crying on Ryder's shoulder. "What?" "See, she was stabbed in the abdomen, really badly. But it hit her reproductive system. We don't know how badly that stab affected it, but from the damage, it looks like really bad. In short words, there's a 90% chance she can't have pups. I'm sorry to say that. I'll let you now be alone." He got up and left the room. Ryder and Katie were crying. "Look, Katie, she will be fine. He just said 90% that it will be true, we still have some chance. Please, stop crying, it hurts me more to see you crying." He kissed her forehead. "I know, just, I'm really sad that she was hurt this mu-" Ryder's phone started ringing. He picked it up. "Ryder! We finally found him and his kittens! We are taking him to the police station." Chase told him. When they found out from Rocky that it was Mayor Humdinger, Chase, Marshall, Rubble, Sweetie, and Everest went to look for him to have him punished. "That's at least some great news, I really thank you, Chase." He told his pup.

Rocky was still crying on the seat. "But Zuma, what if not?" "Don't wowwy Wocky, she is stwong pup, she will be fine." Zuma comforted him. "Hey Rocky," Ryder came to him, "you can go see Liberty now. Zuma will then take you back to the lookout. I need to go to the police station, pups watched Humdinger." He said and Rocky immediately ran inside.

He jumped on the chair that was next to her bed. He saw her body bandaged from bottom to top. On one leg she had cast. "Oh my god, what have he done to you?" He cried. "Liberty, everything will be okay, I promise. Just stay with me." He nuzzled her. She was still in coma. "Liberty, please, I will stay with you forever, I don't care. I want to protect you whenever you need, I promise. Liberty, I love you." He cried and laid his head down next to her body.

"I-I l-love y-you too." Rocky lifted his head up and saw Liberty with opened eyes and kinda smiling. "Liberty!" He moved to her and carefully hugged her. But she shook him off and with one paw she grabbed his chin and kissed him. Rocky was in shock. The pup that he loves, that he saved, finally kissed him. "You really promise that you will stay with me?" "Of course! I'll do anything to be with you!" She just smiled but then her smile faded away. "What's wrong?" "Nothing, just, remembered what the doctor talked about." Rocky looked at her confused. "He said that I probably never gonna have pups because of that knife. Rocky, I want to be with you, but you won't have futu-" He kissed her. "He said it was a chance. Maybe it will happen. And even if not, I want to be with you no matter what." She stopped crying and smiled. "Thank you Rocky."

6 months later:

Rocky was walking from the train station to Adventure City lookout. He was finally ready to move there with Liberty. He came inside the lookout and found a box on the ground with a note saying 'Behind'. He looked behind him. "Boo!" He jumped away from Liberty. "Oh my god." He said. "Aww, are you angry?" She nuzzled him. He just kissed her. "Come on, tag!" She started running away from him. "Hey! Not fair." He got up and ran after her. But he was still slower than her. Liberty walked to him with a giant smile. "I can't keep up to you still." "Yes, but as a dad you will need to run faster." They both giggled. "Yeah I d...d-dad?" She showed him the box. Inside was an ultrasound of the pup inside Liberty. "Rocky, it worked!" She cried in happiness. "YES! I'LL BE A DAD!" He shouted at top of his lungs. He was the happiest than he ever been.

Written : 20-22.3.2022
Published : 22.3.2022

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